The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

it it it it it it it it it THE PLAIN DEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1985 -3-D LEGAL NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS Sealed bid proposals will be recerved by the Construction and Development Department of Cuvahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority at 1441 West 25th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113, until 10:00 a.m. EastStandard Time on Thursday, April 11. 1985 at which time and place all proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud for: FURNISHING INSTALLATION OF EXTERIOR SECURITY LIGHTING CARVER PARK RELATED at HOMES WORK (OH 3-07) 2370 Unwin Rood, Cleveland. Onto 44104 Specifications are on tile in the Construction and Development Office of the Cuvahoga Metropolitar Housing Authority, 1441 West 25th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113, and may be obtained by depositing $50.00 with the Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority for tach set of documents. Such deposits will be re turided to each person who returns the Specificotions, Drawings, Addenda it any, and other docu ments in good condition within thirty (30) days of the bid opening after which date the deposit will no longer be refundable.

The above mentioned are on file for viewing at the Builders' Exchange; F. W. Dodge Reports; Cleveland Construction News Service. and Minority Economic Developers Council. A Pre Bid Conference will be held by the Cuyahoge Metropolitan Housing Authority at 1441 West 25th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 on Thursday, April 1985 of 10:00 a.m.

Each proposal must be accompanied by properly executed Bid Bond, Certified Check, or Cashier's Check on a solvent bank, mode payable to the Coya hogo Metropolitan Housing Authority in an amount which shall not be less than five percent of the total amount of the Bid plus Alternates. The Certtied Check or Bid Bond executed by a corporate surety acceptable by the Coyahoga Metropolitar Housing Authority submitted with the bid will be hero as a guaranty that if the proposal is accepted, a contract will be entered into. The Cuvahogo Metropoliton Housing Authority wilt retain the bid guaranty of the successtul bidder until after the controci has been entered into and secured by a 20 percent Cash Escrow or a 25 percent Irrevocable Stand-By Letter of Credit or 0 100 percent Performance anc Paviment Bond executed by a corporate surety. ceptable by the Cuvahoga Metropolitan Housing Av thority which shall secure the faithful performance of the work. NOTICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS Bidder's attention is called to Title VI of the Rights Act of 1964.

Title VIlI of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, Executive Orders 11063 (27 FR 11527), 12432, and 12138 (Women's Business Enterprise), Section 3 of the Housing and Urbon Development Act of 1968, as amended, (12 U.S.C. 1701v), HUD regulations (24 CFR Port 135) implementing Section 3, Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. 6101 et Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 V.S.C. 794), and all applicable regulations issued pursuant to these laws which have been incorporated and made a part thereot this solicitation by reference. Each bidder shall ensure compliance with the terms, conditions and requirements set forth under the above "NOTICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS" and the "NOTICE OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION REQUIREMENT TO SURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT (Executive Order 11246, as amended) in such, form as deerned necessary to CMHA prior the award and throughout the life of the Contract.

NOTICE OF REQUIREMENT FOR AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO ENSURE EQUAL EMPLOYMENT (Executive Order 11246) Bidder's attention is called to the "EQUAL OP. PORTUNITY CLAUSE" and the "STANDARD FEDERAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT The gools, timetables, compliance and regulations set forth in this Executive Order ore deemed port of this solicitation by reference. Each bidder must insure thot all employees and applicants for employment ore not discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Payment for labor as it applies to this project (s) shall not be less than the minimum prevailing hourly wage rates as predetermined by the U.S. Department of Labor, and set forth herein.

the Cuvahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority reserves the right to reiect any and all bids and to waive any informality in bids received whenever such rejection or waiver is in the best interest of the Housing No bid shall be withdrawn for a period of -60- days subsequent to the opening of bids without the consent of the Cuvahoga Metropolitan Housing Authoritv: CUYAHOGA METROPOLITAN HOUSING AUTHORITY GEORGE M. JAMES Executive Director p.d.mor .21,28, 1985 DRD10272 NOTICE TO BIDDERS In accordance with Resolution No. 1983-244, adopted October 4, 1983, by the Board of Trustees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, competitive bids are sought for: REHABILITATION OF RAPID TRANSIT STATIONS AND PARKING LOTS PROJECT NO. 2 SHAKER SQUARE AND WOODHILL STATIONS BID PACKAGE J1 GENERAL TRADES 33 GENERAL ELECTRICAL TRADES CONSTRUCTION The. Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority hereby notifies all bidders that "In connection with the execution of this Contract, the Contractor shall not discriminate against any emplovee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex or hational origin.

The Contractor shall affirmafive action to ensure that applicants are employed and, that emplovees are treated during their employmeat without regard to their race, religion, color, sex for national origin. Such actions shall include but not be limited to the following: employment, upgradinge demotion or recruitment or recruitmeat advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training including "This Contract is subiect to a financial assistance Contract between the project sponsor and the U.S. Deportment of All Widders will be required to certify that they are not en the Controller General's list of ineligible Contractors, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority hereby notiftes all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisem*nt, minority business enterprise willbe afforded fult opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award. PREBID CONFERENCE: 9:00 A.M., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1985 Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Construction Manager Office- -10th Floor Construction Management and Engineering Department 615 Superior Avenue, N.W. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 MBE REQUIREMENT MEETING: 11:00 A.M., FRIDAY, APRIL 12, 1985 Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Construction Manager Office 10th Floor Construction Management and Engineering Department 615 Superior Avenue.

N.W. Cleveland, Ohio 44113 Sealed proposals for this bid will be received at the Department of Procurement, Greater Cleveland Re giorial Transit Authority, 615 Superior Avenue, N.W., 10th Floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44113, until 2:00 P.M., ofticial time, Wednesday, April 24, 1985, and will thereafter be publicly opened and read in the meeting room of the Board. Proposal torms, Instructions to Bidders, and Contract Documents, at a cost of $50.00 per set, this cost is NON-REFUNDABLE, may be obtained through the Procurement Department, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, 615 Superior Avenue, N.W., 10th Floor, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE GREATER CLEVELAND REGIONAL SIT AUTHORITY ROBERT J. LANDGRAF Secretary- Treasurer p.d.mar. 4, 1985 DRD10011 Sealed bids will be received by the Director of Pubtic Service of the City of Parma at his office in the Parma City Hall, 6611 Ridge Rood, Parma, Ohio, marked attention of the Director of Purchasing, until 11:00 A.M.

local time on April 4, 1985 for furnishing the necessary labor, materials and equipment necessary for the MISCELLANEOUS STORM AND SANITARY SEWER REPAIRS ON HEARTHSTONE, LUCERNE, VELMA, RUSSELL, LINCOLN AND NORTH AVENUE, in the City of Parma, County of Cuvahoga, State of Ohio. Estimate of Cost, required by Section 153.12, of the Ohio Revised Code of the State of Ohio, is $60,000.00. Bid will be opened and publicly read immediately thereafter. Proposals must be submitted on the form available in the office of the Service Director at Parma City Hail, and each bid must contain the full name or names of the party or parties making the same, with an affidavit as to interested parties, and in the case of corportion not chartered in Ohio, with a proper certificate that such corporation is authorized to do business in Ohio. Each bid must be accompanied by a bid guaranty in the form of either a bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the total bid drown in favor of the City of Parma, or a certified check, cashier's check, or letter of credit on a solvent bank in Cuvohoga County made payable to the City of Parma in an amount not less than ten percent of the total amount of the bid.

The bid guaranty will be held as a guarantee that, if the proposal is accepted, a contract will be entered into between the Bidder and the City of Parma, and a Performance Bond in an amount equal to one hundred percent of the total bid will be furnished. In default thereof said bid guaranty and the amount represented thereby not to exceed ten percent of the omount of the bid, will be forfeited to the City of Parma as liquidated damages. Each bid must separately state the amount for both labor and material. Copies of specifications, form of proposal, pions and other contract documents are on file at the office of the Service Director for review during regular business hours. A copy of specifications, form of proposal and other contract documents exclusive of plans are available to Contractors licensed with the City of Parma at no charge.

Plans may be purchased by payment of cash or a check tor fifteen dollars ($15.00) with the check made payoble to the City of Pormo. The City of Parma reserves the right to relect any and all bids, to waive any informalities in the bids received, and to accept any bid which it deems fovorable. HOWARD J. TRUMBLE Service Director d. mar.

21,28, 1985 DRD10244 Need a good part-time job? Inquire about becoming a Plain Dealer "carrier. Call 344-4600. OBITUARIES Death notices on Page 11-F. Carl a week and free meals at a restauGeorge, rant," he later recalled. After about 18 months he decided to managed sity study and law got at a job Western with Reserve Univerthe old radio WGAR radio station announcer WJAY in the here working as an afternoon.

He later Carl E. George, retired general was fired from that job and had said manager of radio station WGAR and "I don't know why." dean of Cleveland radio broaacasters, He then went to WGAR looking for intended to be a lawyer but a chance a job. job while a student "I sat in the at Muskingum Col- three lobby for: every day for lege in New Con- Finally, I was waiting auditioned an opening. weeks CA cord changed that. he had said.

and hired," He was majoring in public WGAR Mr. Jan. George 16, 1934. started He to attended work for and law needed speaking a part-time school in the mornings, studied afterjob. He was hired noons announcer.

and He worked nights as an by Zanesville radio and was promoted steadily 1969 PHOTO station WALR, became general manager in 1950. George forerunner of He received a law degree in 1936 WHIZ, to host a weekly half-hour and passed the bar but did not pracmusic show. The fascination with tice. radio was to be lifelong. He was a former president of the Mr.

George, 74, died yesterday at Rotary Club of Cleveland and was on his home in Shaker Heights. Cancer the board of the Greater Cleveland was diagnosed in November 1983. Red Cross chapter and of the Youth retired in 1970 general man- Bureau and the Camp Board of the as YMCA. ager of WGAR and in 1971 as a vice president of Nationwide Communica- He was a president of the Ohio tions of Columbus, station owner. Association of Broadcasters, a former Mr.

George often said that one of director of the Cleveland Advertising his greatest experiences in broadcast- Club and vice president of the City ing was during the latter days of Club. He belonged to the Ohio State World War II when he was a special Bar Association as well as the bar correspondent in the Pacific Theater associations of the Ohio and the fedfor WGAR. He traveled 45.000 miles eral communications commissions. and interviewed many Clevelanders Mr. George was a longtime trustee who were in service.

of Muskingum College. He was born in Most of his interviews were Alliance. recorded and shipped to WGAR. The His wife, Mildred, died in 1983. more timely broadcasts of news were He is survived by sons, Dale S.

and sent by shortwave to San Francisco or Robert both of Shaker Heights; a Los Angeles where they were daughter Carol Paull, of Upper recorded and sent by airmail to Cleve- Arlington, a grandson and two land. step-grandchildren. After he received his bachelor's Memorial services will be at 4:30 degree from Muskingum in 1932, Mr. p.m. tomorrow at the Church of the George was hired full time at the Zan- Saviour (United Methodist), 2537 Lee esville radio station.

He was paid "$15 Cleveland Heights. E.R. Brandt, Lincoln Electric retiree Services for Einar Richard Brandt Brotherhood here and in the 1930s and will be at 3 p.m. today at the Monreal 1940s produced plays for the group at funeral home, 35400 Vine East- Public Hall. He also had directed and lake.

acted in the plays. Mr. Brandt, 90, died Saturday at his Mr. Brandt attended Case Institute home in Mentor. He had been ill with a of Technology but left school for the kidney ailment.

job at Lincoln. He retired in 1955 from Lincoln After he retired, he built his own Electric Co. where he was chief of home, a five-bedroom, three-level maintenance. He had been with the brick house. It took company 30 years and at the him two years and begin- he did everything from digging for the ning worked as a mechanical engi- foundation, to laying the brick and neer.

doing the electrical and plumbing Mr. Brandt had developed produc- work. tion machinery in the 1940s. Mr. Brandt's wife, Elizabeth, died in He was born in Silkeborg, Denmark, 1973.

and at age 20 came to Cleveland with He is survived by sons, Norman H. a brother. Mr. Brandt became a natu- of Wadsworth, Earl H. of Mentor and ralized citizen.

Raymond 14 grandchildren; three He was a member of the Danish great-grandchildren, and a brother. DEATHS ELSEWHERE FROM WIRE REPORTS SONOMA, Calif. Frank H. Bartholomew, chairman emeritus of United Press International, died of cancer at 86. He joined the former United Press as a reporter in Portland, in 1921 and retired in 1972 as chairman of what had become UPI after a merger with the International News Service.

He was an award-winning war correspondent, serving in the Pacific theater in World War II, the Chinese civil war, the Korean War and the early fighting in Indochina. He was the UP correspondent at the Japanese surrender aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay in 1945, at the atomic bomb tests on Bikini in 1946 and the fall of Shanghai to the Communists in 1949. 0 OMAHA, Neb. Bill Wachtler, 61, former St. Louis Cardinals center fielder, died of cancer.

Wachtler won four letters in both football and baseball at Creighton Prep High School here and was an all-state selection in both sports. He and his brother, Elmer, were in the St. Louis Triple A system before World War II. Elmer was killed in the war and Bill suffered a war injury to his left shoulder. He was a center fielder for the Cardinals in 1946 before the injury forced him to abandon his baseball career.

For home delivery of call 344-4600 1-800-362-0727 the news breaks, 4. When we put it together. The Plain Dealer A full size pull behind comp er is up for adoption! New tires brakes, etc. Everything works sleeps 6. tirst A $1250.

381-2266 A-IAAA Ask for CASH AAAAA OLD OR JUNK CARS $10 Up to $2000 Free Towing CALL TOM QUICK 476-0005 A -JAAA AUTO BUYING JUNK CARS. Free Towing. 251-2918. AAA AUTO CARAVAN States GAS ALLOWANCE 449-5751 ALTERNATIVE PREGNANCY TERMINATION Up to 20 weeks One Day Out -Patient Service Dr. H.B.


need home repairs, consolidate, cash. Allstate Improvement Co. can arrange financing. Call Mr. Fronk anytime 831-1130.

AARON o.k.a Karen, I like your ice and you too, Dave. Call me. ABE BUYS CARS FOR SCASHS 252-2256 The Car Lot A CHEAP CAR RENTAL $8.95 DAILY 662-0005 0090 Musician- -Band Notices A111111111 40s band and all Wedding needs 248-1968 A Portytime DJ service, all occasion per hour. 236-3536 BANDS now available for all occasions. Joey G.

at 842-3317. bJ wanted to play at wedding and for future parties, 476-2424. DRUMMER, exp. and versatile looking for work, eves. 292-7996.

EXPERIENCED Boss player, 25, seeks act. Lake County. 943-3293 after 6. FEMALE TRIO needs experienced singer, call 283-9169. GOOD lead female guitar player wanted for original sounding band.

249-3809. GOSPEL organist and pianist to complete contemporary group. 991-6484 10-noon only Mon-Fri LEAD singer available for Top 40. Mr. Glenn 1-773-1519.

MUSICIAN wanted for gospel choir. 761-8650 or 451-8902. NEED FEMALE VOCALIST keyboard exp. for working band. SPLASH.351-2275.

WANTED: Musicians to formi country band. Must also be able to sing. Call 433-7750 after 7pm. Business Notices Absolutely CLEVELAND CENTER VASECTOMY PREGNANCY TERMINATION EARLY and LATE AWAKE or ASLEEF FREE Pregnancy test Visa. M.C..

Ins. Reduced Fee For ADC 421-8600 800-858-8980 11955 Shaker Bird. ACCENT ON CARING PRETERM FREE PREGNANCY TESTS PREGNANCY TERMINATION TUBAL LIGATION 368-1000 AE Buving Gold, Silver, silver dollars 3527 W. 117th. 941-7200 AIRLINE COUPONS WE WILL BUY 291-4704 AIRLINE Coupons, We Will Buy.

Also Air Fla 461-0072. ALIGNMENTS BRAKES Parma Tire Service 885-0080 built, high amp, s25ea. 749-4511. ALUMINUM, VINYL SIDING 90c so f1 installed. Lou 779-4387 ALWAYS BUYING FOR CASH! ALL GOLD SILVER ITEMS Diamonds, Pocket Watches HUMMELS AND DOULTONS Free Estimates Pick -Ups 442-760C AM buying all gold silver, watches, sterling, coins, gum cards, stamps, old records, Hummels, antiques.

free pickups Licensed by Ohio 845-9111 AM BUYING JAPANESE SWORDS. 237-8467. ANYONE knowing the where. abouts of Harold Madden, please contact Glenda at 6220 St. Clair.

Very important. ANYONE losing driving rights, DWI, hit, skip, points. 333-5315. ANYONE Witnessing auto accident involving blue '77 Olds, W. 130-Crossburn, Mar.

approx. 3:30 am please call ARE you money motivated witt a burning desire to suceeed. 11 sc call 425-2882. 0140 Professional Services Accountants CPA, Former IRS agent. Free initial consultation.

Discounts for referrals. 267-4484. BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Professional Services for RESIDENTIAL- -COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL TO ADVERTISE 2 LINES 2 WEEKS $69.48 JUST CALL 344-5555 3 LINES 2 WEEKS $104.22 Aluminum Siding VINYL SIDING WITH INSULATION. Instolled 82 ct. ft.

Includes gutters. 749-6230. Appliance Repairs Appliance Repair. Reasonable. $5 service call.

574-2428. REFRIGERATOR repair, 24 $5 service call. 228-7054. Asphalt, Brickwork, Cement ANY type of brick work -stepsroom additions-cement. 237-0239 GLASS block windows, brick work.

Free estimates 351-8880 ALL: Types Brick Work, Steps, Concrete, 30 yrs. exp. 581-3764. Basem*nt Repair SEWER Drain repair, waterproofing, plumbing. 481-5941.

Basem*nts Waterproofed Free estimates. 6 generations exp. Work guaranteed. 382-4444. Carpentry, Remodeling, Repairs 11 ALL carpentry, DOORS, East side, locks, Call Len 442-7353.

CARPET -TILE Installed, Reasonable, guaranteed 585-3749. ALL kinds remodeling, new additions, small or large 237-0350. CUSTOM WOOD DECKS, rooting, home repairs. 741-8289. repairs, remodel.

Free estimates. 741-2486 KITCHENS, BATHS, PORCHES Repairs, whirlpools, 932-1131. AAA ADDITIONS, Garage. Repairs. John, 661-4466 Carpets Cleaned, Repaired, Installed 12 PROFESSIONAL Garanteed Installation.

New carpet at wholesale prices. Paul 251-9253. Driveways 18 AA CONCRETE, driveways, sidewalks, brick work. 226-1030. ASHPHALT -Concrete Drives BRICK -BLOCK WORK 228-2921 Electrical Service SECOND Con YOU atford not to 281-4488.

WILL solve all elec. problems free est. 421-2769 QUALITY Electric. New wiring, violations, licensed. 631-5621 Furnace Clearing, Repairs, Installed 28 LOW RATES, furnace, boiler, fast 24 hr.

service, 234-7126. Handyman 36 EASTSIDE Home Repoir, Decorating. 431-5236. ROOF, plumbing, gutters, point, locks, low low rates 451-1785. CARPENTRY, plumbing, re.

modeling repairs, 381-7133. PAINTING interior exterior, carpentry, all repairs 252-7078 Hauling -Trucking GARAGES and Barns Torn down hauled away. 781-8960. HAULING CLEAN UP WORK. 228-3219.

hauling-reason- Home Modernization 41 CARPENTRY, electric, plumb ing, bath and kitchens, 429-2260 Landscaping 46 MAINTENANCE, clean-up, trim. East. Reasonable 291-2988. CLEAN UP, Trimming, Pruning, Maintenance, 651-9494. RESEEDING, Sod, Rototilling, Shrub and Tree service 781-6966; 661-8830.

SPRING EASTER Clean Up. Call 761-6256 after MOWING, trimming and fertilizing. Westside. 769-4112. A-1 751-4455 thatching, low rates or 481-8216.

SEED and Sod, clean 1. tree service, lawn care. Moving 50 EASTSIDE mover. Will move now. On call 24 hrs.

268-3985. FREE ESTIMATES. 4 SIZES OF TRUCKS. 871-3200. Painting, Paperhanging, Cleaning 52 HOUSE Painting $450 UD; $750 up.

942-7956 PAINTING neat, reosonable, free estimates 721-4206. PAPER hanging, Pointing Sanitas-Free estimates 429-1180 INTERIOR exterior painting, guaranteed, 881-7584, 6am-Pam. EXPERT all wall covering, paint, flooring, etc. 229-8721. EXP.

Painting. Interior Exte rior. Free Estimates. 541-0742. INTERIOR EXTERIOR pointing.

Guaranteed. 795-0347. PRO painter, insured, 28 yrs. exp. $4 hour net.

226-1334. Plastering 56 PLASTER -DRYWALL Repairs Free estimates. West 333-3114 AL Dougherty's patch plaster. ing. West.

34 yrs exp. 476-8828. BAER'S Plastering. Patching Ceilings Texturing. Free Estimotes.

East. West. 281-5282 Plumbing--Sewer Cleaning 58 Plumbing Electric 24 hrs. All areas. SAVE 961-1398 Remodeling 62 BATHS, whirlpools, porches, kitchens, ceramic, repairs.

PAYMENTS, coll 752-0007. Roofing 63 ROOF Repairs or complete roots. Free estimates. 521-7251. ALL Type rooting gutter re pairs, over 30 yrs.

exp. 281-8487. NEW reasonable, porch steps, Garages. 351-3550. 281-4253 CHIMNEY 281-425: ROOFS CHIMNEYS FREE ESTIMATES 961-8040 LEAKY ROOF EXPERTS Roofs-Gutters Chimneys FLASH, TERMS.

421-6030 Topsoil 77 estimates 371-0149 BAsem*nT clean up and rub- DRIVEWAY gravel, slag, lime. bish removal 661-8321. stone, topsoil, mulch. 524-4544 TODAY'S BARGAINS are gone TONIGHT for action PD Quick use PLAIN DEALER Want Ads PHONE 344-5555 you can charge it! 0150 Personals, A THOUSAND DOLLAR CASH Reword For Guns Taken From Westlake Home. No Questions Asked.

941-2182, 871-5386 ATTENTION HOME OWNERS Sold vinyl siding 98c sq ft. including tabor. Allen, 781-6966 ATTORNEY Bankruptcy, divorce, persona injury, criminal, DWI, Ist appl free Martin Baker 771-3966 ATTORNEY Bankruptcy, Divorce, probate. Free appointment Phillip Fine, Attorney 579-9604 ATTORNEY WALDEMAR J. WOUCIK Bankruptcy Personal Injury 241-0296 ATTORNEYS Bodily injury, no recovery-no fee.

Divorce, criminal, estate, consult. Jeffry Gerber Nicholas Schepis, 292-4666 AUTO INSURANCE. No One Refused. LOW RATES. 238-0111.

946-2160. AUTOS SHIPPED T.S.U. U. Bankruptcy: Divorce Stop Foreclosure LAKEWOOD' 226-6200 JOSEPH J. YUNGWIRTH.

ATTY. BARBER chairs, back bars and sinks. Used. 431-2530 weekdays BASEBALL -Bubble Gum Cards wanted. Too price.

531-8757. BE A GOOD person. Needy mothers looking for cribs, etc. Birthright, 884-1711. BEING Foreclosed? I con help.

Irving Bergrin, Atty. 687-0110. BOOK EXTRAVAGANZA EUCLID PUBLIC LIBRARY Mar. 30 94 Mar. 31 1-4 pm.

ALL TYPES AVAILABLE BROKEN or rusted cor frames repaired. 362-7718, 476-3399 BUCKS for your junk cor. Towing available. 641-4710. BURIAL, life or hospitalization 1-85, $10 mo.


BUYING HALF DOLLARS 1965-1970 884-4939 CABBAGE Patch Kids, an 5, $55 up 953-1506, 449-6417 CABBAGE Potch kids 5 all kinds European-teeth freckles $55 up-Transformers 235-4713. CAN'T MANAGE YOUR MONEY? Free confidential help. Consumer Credit Counseling, 781-8624. A Non-Profit Community Service. CASH for toy trains (used or old) Selling new used 252-8880 CATALYTIC CONVERTERS Installed, Mad Hatter 771-8888.

CELLULAR Mobile Phone OKI never used, $1750; used GL 2000 Mobile Phone $1000. 273-6422. CHRIST IS YOUR ANSWER Dial and listen 382-7474 COME ALIVE IN '85 HERBAL WEIGHT LOSS PLAN For a healthier, 14 hoppier, more energetic YOU. 381-8418 12 All Suspensions Fastest return. Low rates.

321-6680. Male Femole1 Home and Office events 398-2727 DO YOU have a junk car? Free towing plus cash. 461-1091. DON'T GET RIPPED OFF AUTO ALARM SYSTEMS Installed $95. Global 942-2909.

DRIVE our autos almost free Why take a bus or plane? Auto Driveway Co. 676-4800 DRIVING RIGHTS RESTORED POINT REMOVAL R.E Schentur, Attorney 641-3402 5001 Turney Rd 524-5535 filing. High risk. Low rates. 475-5555.

ECKANKAR Free into talks, March 28, Karamu House, Terrace Room. 2355 E79th St. Cleveland 771-5844 ELM- 3 standing trees free for fireplace wood, 267-3018 EXHAUST SYSTEMS SALE $79. MAD HATTER, 731-0777. EXOTIC Dancers, top all occasions.

Suzette 1-255-9481. FIREWOOD. Delivered. Truck load $55. 734-8539, 676-8740 FLESH RESTORATION RESEARCH CENTER 2055 Lee Rd.

321-33451 HALL DATES TICKETS Crafts Now 7125 Everybody loves the soft touch of something hand -crocheted. Whip up this charming cape of knitting worsted in two colors takes SO little time. Pattern 7125 one size fits 10-16 Send tor each pattern add 90 cents for coch pottern for postage und handling. Send to Alice Brooks Crafts, Reader Mail, Cleveland Plain Dealer, 62-12 Northern Blvd. Woodside, 11377.

Print Nome, Address, Zip. Pattern Number. Yes! want to see more send me your new 1985 NEEDLECRAFT CATALOG. Over plus 150 designs, three tree patterns. s2 50 cents postage and handling.

IN FASHION 9066 SIZES 8-20 Sleeves are in one with bodice of dress. waist IS elasticized This tresh. teminine shirldress IS easy to sew and hit Printed Pattern 9066 Misses Sizes 8 to 20 Send $3 tor each pottern odd 90 cents for each, pattern tor postage and handling. Send to Marion Mor tin Pattern Dept. Cleveland Ploin Dealer, Reoder Marl, 62 Northern Blvd, Woodside.

11377 Print Nome. Address. Zip. Size and Style Number Business Notices HEAT LAMP. Hour oil rub, $15.

See Bob 356-0483 (9-6pm) HERBAL WEIGHT LOSS LOSE, MAINTAIN, GAIN. 731-7828 HIGHEST SSS paid for tunk cars and trucks. 671-5723. H. J.

POPE, surplus, Going out of Business. 226- 1700. HOME OWNERS CASH AVAILABLE Poor Credit No Obstacle 7814174 HOSPITAL Insurance for peopie between jobs. 951-3099. HOSPITALIZATION, short term or long term.

226-5571. IDEAS WANTED Ideas. Inventions, New Products wanted for representation. Call: 642-1151 IF you still want, it is definite yes. Take core of other matter, when we feel it's the right time.

love only you forever, Squeezie. IN ROOM MOVIE MOTEL $14 95 up 777-7456 Toll Free 800-421-5146 INCOME Taxes by Public Acct. Reasonable 486-7657 9am-10pm INJURED on the job? If so, probably entitled to compensation. For free consultation call Bruce D. Attorney at Law, 621-0794.

LET JESUS UNTIE the KNOTS A recording 842-0222 LETS make a deal, need PB 3 stamp to win 1985 Dodge in Pick-N-Pay contest. 845-6818. WEIGHT Eat Natural toods and earn income. Call 921-2788. LOSE WEIGHT AND MAKE MONEY.

DANA AT 476-0550. MAGNETIC signs, 12" $36, $18 each. 149-1846. MASSAGE Licensed 431-7100. eporate.

99 4900 Euclid. MAY The Most Sacred Heort Of Jesus and St. Jude Be Praised, Honored, Adored and Glorified Throughout the World Now and Forever. Amen. M.S.

OLD POSTCARDS WANTED OTHER OLD ITEMS 475 3632 ONTARIO spring bear hunt, $350 per week, 659-9555. OSAKA SHIRLA SAUNA Featuring Sauna, whirlpool, steamroom and body shampoo. 24 hrs. Oriental oftendants. 9417 Lorain Ave.

651-4271. PAY TELEPHONES $859, (regularly $1495), $749 ea. NEW coin phones, you set all functions charges. 1 Yr. warronty.

M.C. Visa Amex 333-1666. PERFORMING positions avail NOW! Eastern Onion 831-5622. PREPARATORY WORKSHOP FOR CLEVELAND POLICE ENTRANCE EXAM Call McCaffery Testing 476-9836 RAILROAD TIES, USED (100) $2.99 ea. 944-3964 SMALL Large Investors for Mans World 11 business complexes.

226-3126. SPA Operators we have on idea for a new concept in leisure fitness. We need ideas from those in the know. Your future could depend on it. Please write: Box BA297 Ploin Dealer.

STRIP TEASE ACT for parties. 00H-LA-LA! 543-3637. THANK YOU Sacred Heart, Mother of Perpetual Help, St. Jude for favor granted. AMS.

THANK You St. Jude for favors granted. M.B. THANK YOU, ST. JUDE, for favors granted.

J.M.P. THANK YOU St. Jude for favors answered. Mrs. L.

and family. TOP SOIL, mulch and sod. rototitting 243-0318. WANTED: LAMPS, handel, pairpoint, tiffany, SLOT machines old jukeboxes 1-492-4378. WANTED TO BUY-old baseball, or football cards.

Top prices. 687-0650 Mon. WE need a Field Engineer who knows Electronics, computer interfacing, and microprocessors. Apply to Energy management controls. Part time.

(Saturdays) Coll Jack Joyce, 651-1656. WORD home, all correspondence, 845-7673. 0151 Farm and Food Products LAMBS, 20ib. up, 238-4213, 1-695-3741. 0240 Employment Resumes A-1 AA PROFESSIONAL JOB RESUME $9-up Expert Downtown Shaker Hts.

831-1691 FULL Page resume, typed on IBM copies. hr. service. 3540 Ridge Rd 961-9100 RESUMES composed, typed, letters. 232-5647, 232-8753.

A professional resume by Richard Johns Assoc. 464-2912 0260 Help Wanted Agency $45 Fee A CAREER OPPORTUNITY NO EXP. NECESSARY A-1 AUTO MANAGERS ASST. MANAGERS Precision Tune the largest auto tune up specialty franchise in the U.S. is now accepting applications for Managers Asst.

Managers in the Cleveland area. Applicants should have knowledge exp. in both domestic foreign cars trucks. Training company procedure provided locally out of state. Qualified applicants should submit resume salary history to Precision Tune, 4301 W.

130, Cleveland, Oh. 44135. No phone calls please. A-1 WAREHOUSE TRAINEE, call 662-8555. Train to be a safety advisor.

Expanding company. Excellent advancement. Start at $1200 per mo. as per written agreement. Part time also available.

Coll Thurs. and Fri. 676-0700. START IMMEDIATELY ACCOUNTING CLERK Wholesale distributor, Broad way. E.55 area, daily.

10- key exp. required. Posting receivables and general office Send resume to: Accounting Clerk, Stockmasters, 570 Truscon Ave. Cleve. Oh.

44127. ACCOUNT Manager, immediate opening for aggressive self motivated person. Delivery onc pick -up of leased merchandise. Excellent benefits and teed full time employment plus overtime. High school diploma, valid driver license.

No phone calls please. Apply in person: 1'om to 4pm Fridoy. 4030 Richmond Rd. ACCOUNTS MANAGER No experience necessary. Delivery collection work in S.E.

Cleveland area. Must be willing to work long, hard hours. Must be promotable. Apply in son 11-2 at Best 5328 Warrensville Center, Maple Hts. ACTORS ACTRESSES Worldwide Casting TDS New York based company seeks new faces for non-union TV I commercial work, York area.

Only Principals will be paid. Bring photo video tape showing acting ability. By appt. welcome. calls AIR HEATING Position available for qualified servicemon with minimum vrs.

exp. Residential Commercial. Excellent opportunity with Heights. area Company. Year round work with top wages benefits.

Verne Ellsworth Honn, 932-2265. AIR CONDITIONING Commercial HVAC Service Technician looking to improve present position. Coll 961-8428. AIR CONDITIONING, HEATING Industrial Large growing company looking for installers with or more vrs. exp.

Must be a cut above the crowd. Coll and improve your position. 234-4157. AIRLINES, in the air, on the ground. variety of positions incl.

flight attendant. 662-8555. JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee own ALUMINUM hand tools. SIDING 641-1816. Hanger: ANIMAL ASST.

Trainee, must love animals, call 662-8555. JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee ARCHITECTURAL PRODUCTION DRAFTSMAN Min. 3-5 vrs. exp. Capable of producing, working and conceotuat drawings.

Position relates to interior renovation and space planning type projects. Respond The Companies, 13427 Modison Cleveland, Oh. 44107. Attn: J.B./B.K. Posilion is immediate.

ASPHALT WORKERS Full time permanent, 662-8555. JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee 10260 Help Nanted ASSEMBLY TRAINEE: No exp. necessary, call JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee ASSISTANT TO CONTROLLER Must have experience and strong background in account-' ing for large construction machinery rental company. Send resume to: BOX BA063 PLAIN DEALER ATTENTION SKILLED TRADES Port time openings exist for qualified job shop machinists. A.C.

and B.C. motor mechanics and winders. These opportuntties would be ideally suited to individuots seeking Suplimentary income. For confidental consideration, please send a resume to Personnel Mgr, O. Box 31624, Cleveland, Oh.

44131. Auto Transmission Specialist Major Engine Repair Specialist Is Auto transmission repair or maior engine overhaul your specialty? If you would like to become part of a large volume Dealership, we have (2) imme diate openings for qualified people. Dealership experience ferred, but not necessary. Call. Jim Brouse.

Bass Chevrolet 475-4800 AUTO BODYMAN, with exp in collision repairs, own tools. Guaranteed weekly pay, Euclid area, 486-6161. AUTO BODY Combination body man. Hourly rate depending on exp. Busy unibody shop.

486-9352. 4: AUTO BODY COMBINATION MAN Must have tools and exp. Small jobs, no big collision. Work scale Kor Kraft, 37035 Code Ave. Willoughby.

94 AUTO Body combination mon, must have own tools, exp. apoly in person from 6976 Pearl Rd. AUTO BODYMAN HELPER Must have some exp. in preparation. Pay commensurate Apply in person at Kar Kroft, 5 Code Ave, Willoughy.

AUTO BODY MAN, experience. Own tools. AUTO FRAME MAN, on unibody type frames. 587-4540 AUTO INDUSTRY, hiring now for technicians, body person, and repair, call today 662-8555. JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee AUTO MECHANIC Must have Chrysler experience.

Ideal working conditions. Right pay for the right man. Call for appointment, 835-5900. AUTO MECHANICS AUDI MADZA PORSCHE We need factory trained mechanics. Why not move to the sunny south entoy the weather, top wages fringe benefits.

These are permanent iobs with a growing dealership. For info call Mr. Stott, Westbay Auto Imports. Mobile, Alabama. 205-478-0421.

AUTO MECHANIC Transmission shop needs exp clean-up rebuilders. Excellent oppf'y. Call 439-8179. AUTO MECHANIC Needed for busy west side service station. Good pay, hospitat-.

ization and commission pro-: gram. 779-1688. AUTO MECHANIC, must hove own tools, exp. excellent fits, 8am to Som. 381-9792, AUTO Mechanic, transmission shop, Management exp.

preferred. Bonus plan, must have own tools, 663-1548 between 8-11 or after 4:30. AUTO MECHANIC 1 Our stores are currently in need of professional auto technicians. Must be qualified in brakes, alignments, tune-ups, drive line service and electricalsystem diagnosis. NIASE certification a plus.

Own hand tools required. We have latest equipment, offer competitive wages plus commission, heath and life insurance, profif sharing, paid vacation and holidays and on going factory training programs. Please call: Auto' Mark 349-3009 Equal opportunity employer AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE PERSONNEL One of the nation's fastest growing tire distributors now looking for qualihed people. Experience with cars and tres a must. Excellent benefits and.

promotion from within. Apply In person: only TIRE AMERICA 4667 Northfield Rd. N. Randall, Ohio E0E AUTOMOTIVE TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS Excellent opportunites for transmission rebuilders in Tallmadge Ohio and overseas. Positions opened in both management and rebuilding, must know how to automatic: transmissions includng 700-R-4: and 200-4-R.

Call 216-630-2777. AUTO PARTS TRAINEES AUTOS ASST. SERVICE MGR: GMA new cor agency has excel-. lent opportunity for service person. Briefly list your background, qualifications' and availability.

No check of references until after the interview. Let us hear from you. 11 might just be what you've been walt- We will teach you all about auto parts. This is an exciting job with many benefits. You will feel and be part of a ing team.

Join us! Apply in per son Thurs. only, between 1-34 P.M. Ask for Mr. John, Forest. City Auto Parts, 607 Broadway AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRMAN Experienced.

Call 9am-3pm, 631-6709, ask for Joe. ling for? Box BA315 Ploin Dealer. AUTO SERVICE WRITER IMMEDIATE OPENING for. service writer for high volume Lincoln-Mercury dealership. Ins dividual must have ability to deal with the public and be 3000 with paper work.

Apply in person immediately. Tri County. 1700 Pearl Rd. Brunswick, O. See Mike, 9-4pm.

BANK Opportunities! Comouter, tellers, clerks, customer. service, coll 662-8555. JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee BANK TELLERS, east and westside locations, good with numbers, 662-8555. JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee BARBER Stylist, experienced. Full or part time.

449-4420. BARMAID, nights, part time, call Cameo Lounge, 351-8068. BARMAID nights. Apply in person: Express Grill, 1423 E. 21.

BARMAID. West. All sh*tts. Apply 4331 State Rd. BARMAID WILL TRAIN APPLY 12414 LORAIN BARTENDER 1 Part time male or femaleMixoogist.

Apply The Lobster Tavern 15541 Brookpark Rd. (in the Best Western Motor Inn) BEAUTICIAN, STYLIST and MANICURIST. Full or part time. DON ROBERTS 831-8918 BEAUTICIAN E. 142-Kinsman, lovely shop, commission or 500th 751-4891; 752-8246 BEAUTICIAN STYLIST NEEDED CALL FOR APPT 333-5056 BEAUTICIANS Now accepting applications to work in busy unisex salons.

Westside area. Excellent benefits and training. Call for confidential interview. 888-8780 HAIRCRAFTERS BEAUTICIAN, Full time. Exp.

preferred. 341-9483 or 631-7040. time stylist. Exp. needed.

Solon 248-4141. BEAUTICIAN Exp. Mgrs. license. Full or.

part time, Lakewood, 521-0078 BINDERY. Experienced cutter and tolder operator. Eastern suburb. Medium size printing company. Benefits.

Box BA 082 Plain Dealer. Autobody shop. Apply in person; 1408 Abbey Ave. 661-2130. BOOKKEEPER FULL CHARGE To handle all journals, ledger through trial balance, bank reconciliations, parrot! tax reports.

Exp. necessary. Send resume to: Road, Controller, Brooklyn 4823 Von Ohio ERST BOOKKEEPER TRAINEE Hiring today, 662-8555. JOB NETWORK Agency $65 Fee i.

The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.