Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)

PAGE EIGHT. THE MARION 7 LEADER TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1909. a THE I BASE BALL NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. Cincipnati, 5: Philadelphia," 1. Chicago, Brooklyn, 3.

St. Louis, New York, 1. Pittsburg, Boston, 2. 5 STANDING OF THE CLUBS. (on.

Lost. Pet. ttsburg 19 11 .633 hicago .00 13- Git Diladelphia .14 13 .519 Incinnati .....16 17 415 rooklyn 15 .464 Louis 15 18 .455 York in 12. 15 444 11 16 .379 GAMES TODAY. Cincinnati at Philadolphia.

Chicago at Brooklyn. St. Louis at New York. l'ittsourg at. Boston.

At New York- R. H. E. Louls 3 York Ratteries Lush and Bresnah7n; lathewson and Myers. At Philadelphia- It.

H. E. hiladelphia 010000000-1 7 2 .00000010 Batteries Covaleski, McQuil an Dooin: Fromme and Roth. st Boston- R. 11 E.

9. 1 Willis and Gibon; Ferguson, White and Smith, At Brooklyn-. R. H. E.

hicago 9 0 Brooklyn 6 3 Batteries Brown and Moran; tucker and Bergen, AMERICAN LEAGUE RESULTS. Washington. Detroit, 10: losion-St, Louis, rain. New York. Chicago, 2.

P'hiladelphia, Cleveland, 6. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost. Pet Detroit .20 11 .645 Philadelphia -11 COT toston ............17.

12 .686 Now York 17 .507 Dr. Leonbardt's llem-Rnid (an in'ernal remedy) was tested in 3,000 rasPs. It cured chronic cases of bleedug, protruding, itching and blird pies. It was' successful Infal but 1a0 cent. ofthe test cases.

wonderful record is due the fact that it is an internai The cause of piles is cirenlation-and it too much to- expect a real-puresuppositories. or surgical operations. Hem-Roid cures by remo: fpg the Internel cause. It frees the 'circulation, and strengthens the weak veins and membranes. Pure blood completes the cure.

$1 for 24 days' at Freel Masons and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Br. Leonhardt Stalion Buffalo, proprietors. Write for booklet. A GREAT RECORD An Internal Treatment for Piles That Has Made 98 Per Cent of Cures, Now Sold Publicly.


$1.50 ROUND Attraction -tand at' the Coney Island's first Sunday, 'hester Park in full ewing, Burnet Woods and Eden Park garbed in their summer mautle of green. Smaller barks. moving picture theaters, rela Ire and friends, Baseball, "Reds" St. Louis, Train learer Marion at 3:10 a. m.

Returning laves: Cincinnati at 10 p. sane day. H. GURNEY, G. P.

Chicago, 111. M. CANNADAY, AgE, Marion, Ind. PICNICSEASON NOTES We do Tub Suits" In a matchless Our Shirt Walsts, like our Shirts and Collars have clear starch nich that can not be excelled. Gut four WAgONS.

go to every parti the city every morning. l'hone us arly (by 8 o'clock) for that mornwash. and. prompt serree will we to you. Call 36.

The Laundry. Our Taco Curtains are dune the WAY and hang true, I NEW SKIN REMEDY STOPS ALL ITCHING Skin: Troubles: of Adults and. Infants Washington 8 21 .270 GAMES TODAY. Philadelphia at Cleveland. New York at Chicago.

Boston at St. Louis. Washington -at Detrolt. Quickly Cured. When it les koown that poslam, the new skin discovery, will.

stop the torturous itching attending eczema with first application and bring Immediate relief and courfort to sufferers from all skin troublas, its merit will be appreciated Its wonderful success understood. On the tender skin of chafing infants, poslam may be with soothing and beneticial effects. It is applied externally, and ite. remarkable dealing pOWers begin at once. All shin diseases, Including eczema, acne, herpes, rash.

tetter, yield immediately poslam. Occasional applications, in small quantities, will quickly banish -pimples, bives, blackheads, blotches, and will relieve and cure itching feet, scaly scalp, humors etc. A special 50 cent package de prepared for those who use poslam for these minor Fidn troubler. Titis, as well as the regular two dollar jar, 1s on sale at W. Hidebrand'6 and other leading drug stores in Marion.

An experimental supply of poslam may be obtained free of charge by writing to the Emergency Laboratorles. 32 Went Twenty-bfth street, New Yorkr Chicago .15 17 .169 St. Lonis ...........13 16 .448 Cleveland ...12 18 .400 AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES. Ar Chicago- R. H.

F. Chicago 5 4 1 New York Batteries--Scott. Smitt and SulliBrockett and At Detroit- R. H. E.

Detroit .0 16 Batteries Summers .001000040 and 1 Stanage 7.3 and Schmidt; Altrock, Smith and Blankeushiy and Street. At Cleveland- R. H. F. Cleveland 14 0 Philadelphia Batteries -Young and Easterly; Dy-gert.

Vickers and Livingston. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION RESULIS. St. Paul, Milwaukee, 4. Louisville, Indianapolis, 2.

Columbus, Toledo, 2. Minneapolis-Kansas City, rain. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Pet.

Milwaukce ........23 11 .67 15 .593 Indianapolis ........19 19 540 Minneapolis ...16 17 .485 Kansas. City ..13 17 .449 Columbus .17 21 .447 Toledo 15 20 .429 I.St. Paul ......13 19 .400 GAMES TODAY. Indianapolis. at Toledo.

Lonisville at Minneapolis at Milwaukee. St. Paul at Kansas City. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION GAMES. At Indiauapolis R.

H. E. :0 8 6 Loutsville 4 6 -Glaze and Shaw; FuttMann and Pielz. At Milwaukee- R. H.

C. Milwaukee 10 0 St. 7 1 Batteries- Manske and Hostetter; Leroy and Carioch. At Toden- R. H.

E. Toledo 6 3 Columbus 010-5 13 0 Linke Battering- and -Lattimore and W. Clark; CENTRAL LEAGUE. RESULTS. South Rend, Terre Haute, 3..

Grand Rapids-Evansville, rain. Fort Wayne, Wheeling, Dayton, Zamesville, 8. STANDING OF codes. Won. Lost.

Pot. Wheeling 6 467 Grand Rapids 10 5AS Fort Wayne 12 9 .371 Zanesville :10 .056 Evansville .10 11 South Bend 9 12 Dayton 8 .421 7 14 $33 GAMES TODAY. Dayton at Zanesville. I Grand Rapids Evansville, South Bend at Terre Haute. Fort Wayne at Wheeling.

CENTRAL LEAGUE GAMES -At Zanesville- H. K. Dayton 9 3 Zanesville 7 2 Batteries--Noah and Brigger; Connolly and Holmes. At Wheeling- R.H. E.

Fort Wayne 1 Wheeling Batteries--Corns and Clark; Richardson and Stratton. At Terre Hante- R.H. F. Hante 9 0 South Bend 9 2 Batteries -Douthett and Williams; Alberts, Smith Tieman. Prevents constipation, stomach and kidney trouble.

Makes everything at1 That's hat- -Hollister'8 Rocky Mountain Tea does. 35, conta, Tea or -Freel Mason. Mrs. A. M.

Ervin baR returned from a visit in Hartford City. DON'T BE CROSS When Bobbie comes in from play with his hands" all smeared with fresh paint, don't say "Bobbie bring me the can of 'WHIZ' and we'll take the paint off in a will do Avery time. cheap too-100, and it lasts longer than old fashioned WOULD YOU LIKE 7 TO HAVE A MCDOUGALL CABINET LIKE THIS? There's No Need of Doing With- Investigate Our McDougall Clubout It Any Longer Small Payment Come in and let us tell you how you makes you a member and puts any can. own a McDOUGALL Cabinet McDOUGALL SPECIAL CLUB and never miss its cost CABINET in your Kitchen The $1,000 Prize Yours for the ask Kitchen Designs ing this week These Prize Kitchens were designed: by the greatest ar- McDougall Kitchen Cabinets are the highest developchitects in the country and cost McDougall over $2,000, a ment of the kitchen cabinet ideal, and contain many cash prize of $1,000 being paid for the best kitchen. They that can not.

be had in other cabinets at any Before were designed at- this great expense to show you. how you -you buy a cabinet you should examine the complete line of can have a perfect, attractive, inviting place to work, at prac- McDougall Cabinets on display at this store. tically no cost. See for yourself the many advantages they possess, and The prize designs -have been reproduced -in colors to -do not let-anyone -tell you that any other cabinet is as- good show you how to lend a charm to the home workshop the as the. McDougall.

kitchen-the place where the housewife spends a great part Insist upon seeing the name McDougall on the cabinet of her time. 32 before you buy, or ask the dealer to remove the entire table They show you how you can arrange, equip and decorate top and for yourself that it is. all in one piece without runyour kitchen so that it will rival any other room in the house 1. ning in grooves, Then, and then only can you be sure you in attractiveness and comfort-so that it will make kitchen are getting a genuine McDougall Full Sliding Table Top. work a pleasure.

Remember, the genuine McDougall Cabinets cost you 110 They show you how you can take a McDougall Kitchen more than the inferior imitations. Whether you are ready to Cabinet, which is the first essential, and build up around it a buy a kitchen cabinet or not, you are urged to attend this model, modern kitchen -and at a cost no greater than is great Special Sale and to see our complete display of Mcordinarily spent on the average commonplace kitchen. Dougall Kitchen Cabinets. FREE THIS Portfolio of $1,000 F. Every woman who this week will portfolio of reproductions 000 Prize Kitchens chilects in competition 000 cash prize: We also present a Credit Certificate good chase price of any of Club Cabinets.

You will but come and see the visits our -McDougali be presented with a. of the famous designed by the leading arfor the McDougall each housewife who calls for $1.00 on the purthe McDougall Special not- to buy, McDougall Display, Don't fail to get these beautiful pictures LARGEST Home Furnishing House In Grant County NORTHERN LEAGUE RESULTS No games played Monday. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Won. Lost.

Pct. Marion 2 Huntington .367 Kokomo 2 1 CF7 Bluffton 1 .333 Lafayette .333 1 2 .303 GAMES TODAY. Marion at Wabash. Lafayette at Huntington. Pluffton at Kokonio.

SHE IS RETURNED HOME Mrs. Sarah E. Worstell of Logansport, who Tray been: seriously the home of her son, F. B. Worstell, of this city, returned to her home in Logansport Monday, accompanied by Mies.

Iva Ruley of the Marion hospital Airs. Worstell is past 80 yearz of ago and her condition has been recarded Mr. and Mrs. J. H.

Thompson are visiting at Swayzee for a few days, WEEK Kitchens KELLEYS THE MARBLE HAS ARRIVED Sweetser ARRIVED Sweetser marble for the wainscot of the postoffice has arrived and will be placed in position as rapidly 29 sible. marble which will enter the construction of the I floor has also been received. 3. gro and Mr, and Airs. R.

H. Martin and son of Gas City. were the Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. C.

D. Pinkerton. Mr. and Mrs. E.

L. Martin of La- IF YOU'VE NEVER WORN SLICKER you've yet to learn the bodily comfort it gives in the wettest weather MADE FOR HARD SERVICE -AND QUARANTEED WATERPROOF AR 6000. 31 SPECIAL SALE 3 N. C. Angar of Indianapolis called on A.

J. Berry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brower and son Everett spent Sunday with relatives in Wabush county.

and Mrs. Rolla Dawson of Groontown, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Surface of Roseburg, picnicked in Edgar Stephens grove north of town Suuday. Jirs.

Fay Morris of South Marion called on friends here Friday. Mr. and Mre. Cal Baum and Mrs. Walton are home from Crawfordaville where they attended the G.

A. R. Encampment. Mr. and Mira.

John Stevens of this place, Mrs. Will Kindborg and children of Maumee, spent Sunday at Matter park Miss Madge Arthurbultz of Converse visited over Sunday with Mrs. Clara Marker. Estelle Stevens, Mary Malott and 1 Vella Masterson visited the Gas Cly schools last week. Vestal Turner of Roseburg called on friends and here Mre.

R. Sunday. 0. Malott ands daughter Mary spent Saturday In Converse with L. Langraves and' -family.

and. wile, John. merman and wife picnicked at Connor's Mill Sunday. Mias Marie Jester has returned: 1. McDougall Club Terms We are now forming a McDougall Kitchen Cabinet club, which will make it easy for every housewife to own a McDougall Cabinet.

To make this sale on the Club Plan more Interesting, we will offer a Special Cabinet with extra conveniences at a much lower price than it regularly sells for.By joining the McDougall Club you canselect any cabinet you desire and secure it upon a small payment down the balance to be paid in easy weekly payments. 7 an 3: Every member gets a cabinet at once 2 We Trade New Goods for Old CASH OR PAYMENTS home from a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. George Brunt of rion. Frank For has recovered from a short Illpes8. J.

O. Spurgeon has returned home from Rushvillle. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Williams, Mr and Mr8.

Ed Owings and Mr. and Mrs. Lige Owings spent Sunday at the river in Wabash county. Aliss Madge Porter of Van Daren. with her uncle, Rolla Harter and family.

Edgar Dunn and wife and Miss Minnie Harreld spent Saturday in Marion. Mrs. Blanche Lewis of Pulaski county ig here visiting awong tires, has come here to spend the summer ashington. street. Fortune Telling Does not take into consideration the one essential to women's happiness- -womanly health.

The women who neglects her health is neglecting the very foundation of all good fortune, For without health love loses its lustre and gold but dross. Womanly health when lost or impaired may generally be regained by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This Prescription has, for over 40 years, been caring delicate, weak, pain- wracked by the hundreds of thousands and this too la the privacy of their homes without their Raring to sabmit to Indelle cate questionings and offensively nast examinations. Bick women are invited to consult Dr.

Pierce by letter fres. All correspondence held as sacredly confidential. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N.

Y. Du. Pinaca's GREAT FAMILY DOCTOR Boor, The People's Common Sense newly revised to edition 1000 of delicate which every fres, in plain wrapper to on receipt mailing only, for Alfred Ballard of Purdue was the guest Sunday of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. -Jesse Ballard in 3'.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.