Personals Mr. and Mrs. Monty Soler returned Thursday from a business trip to Tampa and Fort Myers, Fla, Will persons who witnessed accident on Feb. 19 at 10 p.m. at 26th Avenue and 23rd Street involving yellow station wagon phone 564-2177.
45-3 HOMEMADE CINNAMON ROLLS DONUTS AND PIES Call order day in advance 563-1921 CHAMPLIN CAFE Fern Korus, Manager 45-2 Mrs. Pauline Kavanaugh, Mr. and Mrs. James Kamrath and Louis Rambour attended the University of Nebraska Symphonic Band concert, in Lincoln Thursday night. FISH FRY Friday, Feb.
23rd AVENUE BAR 45-2 V.F.W. STEAK FRY Feb. 24, 6-9 Music Harvey Willie 45-3 PEEWEE LARRY Feb. 25, 5:30 9:30 MICEK'S BAR 46-2 Eight young people Irom Columbus traveled to Chicago last weekend to tour Christian colleges in that area. They visited Trinity College a Seminary in Deerfield, 111.:, Wheaton College in Wheaton.
Moody Bible Institute and the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. Howard Nelson accompanied the youths: Wanda and Mike Larrington, David Johnson, Glen Schrieber, Karen Sloth, Diana Walling, Carolyn Rafferty and Scott Oppiiger. KOZY BAR SILVER CREEK Feb.
24th, 5 P.M. til Ham Plate $1.00 Country Rambler, 8 P.M. 46-1 Columbus Area Artists met at the courthouse in Schuyler Tuesday evening with the Schuyler members acting as hosts. Mrs. Eldred a 1 showed them how to make broken glass candle holders, and had a display of her hobby.
WESTERN AIRS Feb. 24 SILVER CREEK LEGION 46-1 BASKETBALL BROADCAST ON KJSKFM SATURDAY AFTERNOON. PLATTE COLLEGE AT UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA FRESHMAN 4:25. 46-1 Miss Sally Sunday of Denver will be here this weekend for the wedding of her sister. Mindy Sunday and Richard Reins.
DISCOUNT ON PERMS AT OUR NEW LOCATION ORIENTAL BEAUTY SALON 2321 14th Street South of Hinky Dinky 43-3m-w Don't be fooled by low price! You can afford a better carpet by Lee's because the deep, rich look of luxury will stay with your home longer. You'll find Lee's carpet at reasonable prices in the carpet department of Brenner Furniture. 44-w-f-m Mrs. C. L.
Brittain has returned from a visit with her mother. Mrs. .1 Baker at. Brunswick. Double Barrelled Special 12 Short Carnations Assorted Colors S2.00 Cash Carry Beautiful Pink, White or Blue Hyacinth Plants $3.49 Cash Cam $4.49 Charged Delivered Regularly $6.00 ANDERSON FLORAL CO.
Downtown 564-2758 44-3 V.F.W. UNIFORM PARTY Feb. 23 Free Lunch COME EARLY VETS 44-3 CLOSE OUT WALLPAPER 25 cents a single roll MORRIS PAINT 3103 23rd Street 46-5p WUNDERLICH'S KITCHEN WILL CLOSE AT 5:00 ON SATURDAY 46-2 ENTER NOW MARATHON TOURNAMENT Openings Sat Sun. Call the COLUMBUS BOWL if interested. NEBRASKA'S TOURNAMENT CENTER COLUMBUS BOWL 46-2 A son, Philip Reid 3rd was born Feb.
22 to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Tracy, Bethesda, Md. Mrs. Phil Tracy of Columbus and Mrs.
E. A. Baird of Omaha are the grandmothers. FISH FRY Fri. Night 7-INN 323-tf-th-l LOOKING This pup, resident of the Columbus dog pound, was among those looking for a new home this week.
Humane Society has charge of the pound's operation, but is required to keep animals for no longer than a week before putting them to sleep. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Nyffeler received word that an eight- pound, 11-ounce girl was born Feb. 22 to RM-2 and Mrs.
Gary Nyffeler of San Diego, Calif. Gary, who is serving in the Navy, is now on in San Diego after a tour of duty in Vietnam. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Nvffeler are great-grandparents of the baby.
NEW SPRING CANDLES RINGS 'N THINGS Sniff fresh berry scents in yummy colors COLUMBUS FLORISTS On the Highway 45-2 Wanted Salad Lady, time, permanent, top salary, evening hours. Please apply in person to Mr. Frieze, Louies Restaurant. 43-tf POORMAN'S INCOME TAX SERVICE See Odie at TIP TOP BAR We're Here All Year 30-3-w-f-m-w WUNDERLICH'S FISH FRY Now includes Ocean Catfish 27-tf-th-f For all your beer and liquor needs. Price is right warm or cold.
Stop and Shop at the Mini Mart Liquor in the Pawnee Motel Complex. 44-4 Educational programs set March 18, 25 Sixty members of the i i a Mothers Society were urged to attend the educational programs March 18 and 25 when they met Wednesday. The programs, sponsored by the Catholic Daughters and Knights of Columbus, will cover, in and and Your The program will be held in the St. Francis Church parlors. Mrs.
Andy Weis reported 27 or more members attended every meeting of the Sewing and Quilting group and volunteers were needed for serving lunch at the meetings. Winners ai games Mines. Joe Moser, Sanders, Ralph Eisenmenger and Kenny Pfeifer. Mrs. Fritz Engel received the door prize.
Farmers Union Co-op now officers ALBION Nearly 250 persons attended the Farmers Union Coop annual banquet Tuesday when officers elected were: Don Skillstead, president, replacing William Lee; Jerry Beierman, vicepresident; Don Briese, secretary-treasurer. Dean Rolf was elected to the board of directors. Others on the board are Don Forney, Ross Beckwith and Wayne Milburn. Dennis Weign of Elgin, chosen to go to the Land of Lakes, expressed his appreciation for the honor. THIS SATURDAY NIGHT, FEB.
24 3rd ANNUAL SHAMROCK VEGAS NITE PLATTE COUNTY AG PARK Chicken dinner 6 to 10 p.m., adult games, music, fun. Doors open 6 P.M. Set-ups available if desire. $2.50 advance $3.00 at. door.
44-w-f-s Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Whitcomb are their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whitcomb and Lisa of Aberdeen, S.D.
OFF SALE Needle Point Kits Stained Glass Decals Fantasy Fur Phis many other Craft Items at the BRIC-A-BRAC SHOP 2263 25th Avenue 43-t-th-f-s MAXI SERVICE MINI PRICES SNOW TOP DRIVE-IN 45-3 Thinking of Painting? Try IOWA PAINT See AI, Rich, Tom or Jerry ABC COATING INC. 242-tf-f Mrs. Albert Miller of South Bend, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kodad of Columbus and Mr.
and Mrs. 1 Martinsen of Primrose. SOUTH SIDE SPECIALS At the Following Taverns GLURS TAVERN DOUBLE BAR AVENUE BAR ODIES TIP TOP BAR 12 Packs Bud, Schlitz, Hamms, $2.34. 6 Packs Bud, Schlitz, Hamms 12 Packs Falstaff, Pabst 6 Packs Falstaff, Pabst 6 Packs Old Milwaukee 12 Packs Storz Triumph All Package Liquors, Wines and Cordials At Special Discount Off Shelf Prices. These Prices in effect until further notice.
40-f-2-m-w-i HAVE YOUR DRAPERIES CLEANED NOW AND SAVE NOW THROUGH MARCH 30TH. A I SF ACTION GUARANTEED JACKSON DRYCLEANERS LAUNDRY, PHONE 564-2824. 40-tf-f-m-w STARTING GATE LOUNGE The Renegades Fri. Sat. 44-3 Hospital Report Behlen Community Hospital Admissions: Julie Nosal, Louis Bokelman, Penny Nadrchal, Columbus; Terry Reichmuth, Lindsay.
Dismissals: Russell Swank, Fullerton: Jeremy Buckner Mrs. Merrill Krebsbach. Columbus. St. Mary Hospital Dismissals: Mrs.
William Evans Jr. and daughter, Mrs. LawTence Czapla and daughter. Columbus. iilllilMllllllllli Photo by Mary Mackinnon ESSAY WINNER Kenneth Franzen, District conservationist, presents Glenda Plettner a check for $10 and an award certificate for her first place winning eassy, "Learn from the Past to Build for the Glenda's essay was chosen from 140 submitted by eighth grade students following Conservation Day last November.
Glenda Plettner first in contest Ten eighth-grade students were recently honored for their participation in a conservation essay contest held last November as part of the annual Eighth Grade Conservation Day. First place winner of the essay contest, co-sponsored by the Lower Loup Natural Resources District and the Soil Conservation Service, vv a Glenda Plettner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Plettner of Rt. 3.
An eighth grader at School District 10, Glenda received $10 cash prize and an award certificate for her essay entitled, From the Past to Build for the Other winners of the essay contest were: Second place, Rebecca Wemhoff, St. Francis, Humphrey; third place, Jaci Wilke. Christ Lutheran; fourth place, Jeanne Cheloha, Monroe; and fifth place, Kevin Hellbusch, St. John Lutheran. Honorable mention went to Lynn Blaser, District Susan Menke, District 84; Roger Nelson, District 83; Susan Schumacher, District 24; and Pamela Zimmerer, District 29.
Each winner received award certificates along with $5 for second place, $4 tor third, $3 for fourth, $2 for fifth and $1 for each of the five honorable mention awards. Representatives of the County School Office and the local Soil Conservation Service Office judged the 140 essays submitted by the eighth graders last November, containing what the students had learned about conservation during Conservation Day at Columbus. Deaths and funerals Genoa Community Hospital Admissions: Elmer Harper. Lila Clausen, Emily Yokely, Genoa; Leo Anderson, Fullerton; Anna Bokelman, Belgrade. Dismissals: Shirley Ourada.
Cedar Rapids. Mini courses completed at Rising City Students at Rising City High School recently completed two weeks of mini courses held at the beginning of the second semester. During the two weeks morning classes were each shortened four minutes and aftemnon classes were shortened seven minutes, leaving 45 minutes at the end of the day when extra courses were offered. Mini-courses this year included acting workshop, adolescent problems, a home economics class for boys, beginning chess, beginning knitting, arc welding, acetylene welding, candle making, gymnastics, beginning guitar, table tennis, trampoline techniques. The courses, according to Superintendent Rod Smith, were designed to stimulate student in a new area of interest.
YOUNG Funeral services are pending at the David City Memorial Chapel for Mrs. Stella Young, 88, of David City, who died early this morning in a nursing home. Clarkson man injured in car accident SCHUYLER A Two-car collision Wednesday morning at an intersection in Clarkson sent a Clarkson man Memorial Hospital in Schuyler with facial injuries. Involved were cars driven by Frank Pekney and Dale Stodola. both of Clarkson.
A passenger in the Pekney auto. Gene Wolff was taken to Memorial Hospital with facial lacerations. The Pekney car received total damages while the Stodola auto received an estimated $450 damages. Four Scouts receive religious awards DAVID CITY Four David City Scouts were among 23 youths in the Lincoln Diocese to receive the Ad-Altare-Dei award at special ceremonies Sunday in Lincoln. Receiving the award were Gordon Kucera, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Kucera; Steve Simanek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Simanek; Michael Fox. son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Fox: and Randy Vanis, son of Marion Vanis. The scouting award a presented to youths of the Roman Catholic faith fulfilled specific requirements under the guidance of the Rev. Paul York Two Columbus men show ecology film LEIGH -Allen Wilke and Paul Plummer of Columbus presented the program of the meeting of the Leigh Community Club a showing a film on ecology and pictures taken last summer of their canoe trip up the Niobrara and Snake Rivers. A discussion was held on the proposed Leigh sign at the entrance to Highway 91 being planned by the Community Club, the Booster Club and Village Board.
A motion was made to support the committee that attended a public hearing of Colfax County Commissioners to 1 Tuesday on a one and six-year highway program. The committee is made up ot representatives of local civic organizations, Chairman Ehlers. Howard Brown, Lee Daniels, George Deichmann and Allen Schroeder. BIRTH ANNOUNCED ALBION To Mr. and Mrs James Hageman of Albion, an eight-pound five-ounce son, born Feb.
21 at the Boone County Hospital. tit md to MARSHAL Benjamin Alfred Marshall, 79, Fullerton, died Thursday in the Fullerton Hospital. He was a retired painter and paper hanger. Services will be 2 p.m. Monday at Fullerton Memorial Chapel with Rev.
Lisle Mewmaw officiating, and burial will be in Fullerton Cemetery'. Visitation hours at the chapel are 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Sunday. Son of the late Jerry and Arvilla Thomas Marshall, he was born Feb. 4, 1894 in Falls City and married Elenora Headley in Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Jan. 8. 1924. Most of his life was spent in the Fullerton area. He was a Methodist.
Surviving are his wife: two daughters, Mrs. Doris Cobb of Fullerton and Mrs. Charles (Velma Jean) Driesholt of Sutherland; brother, Emmett of Fullerton; eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Three brothers and three sisters are deceased. KINGSTON Last rites for Ernest J.
Kingston, 78, of 147(5 22nd Avenue, Columbus, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at McKown Funeral Home. Officiating will be the Rev. J. Graydon Wilson, and burial will be in Columbus Cemetery.
The body now lies in state at the funeral home. Mr. Kingston died Thursday morning at Morvs Haven. He had been in failing health the past two years. He was born April 30, 1894 Allen, the son of James Susan Bennett Kingston.
He wa: reared at Pender, moved Platte Center in 1929, and then to Columbus in 1940. Mr. Kingston was married to Faye Elsinger Nov. 19. 1912, at Dakota City.
A Methodist, he was manager of the furniture department at Montgomery Ward until retirement. Surviving are three soils Darrell B. of Columbus, Kenneth D. of Broken Bow and R. Dick ot Lafayette, one daughter, Mrs.
Art W. (Wilma) Auliff, Columbus; 10 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren: and one sister, Mrs. William Clover, Pender. Eleven brothers and sisters preceded him in death. The family suggests that memorials may be directed to the Beta Sigma Phi Kidnev Foundation.
Pallbearers will be 1) Mares, Gayle W. Boyd, Bill G. Allen, George Johansen, Ernst Sudik and Vernon Fegley. CHAMBERLIN 1 1 1 1 a Chamberlin, 81, husband ot the former Madeline Stenger ot Columbus, died Thursday morning in Lincoln. Memorial services will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Lincoln at a.m.
Graveside rites are set for p.m. Monday in the Columbus Cemetery with Gass- Hanev Funeral Home in charge. PRESCRIPTIONS FREE 24 HOUR PICKUP and DELIVERY FLEISCHER REXALL DRUG We Give SAH Green Stamps 2502 13th St. Phone 564-3277 U. S.
30 Center Open 9 to 9 Daily Noon to 6 Sundays Saturday and Sunday ONLY! POLYESTER NEW SHIPMENT! DOUBLE KNIT ALL FIRST QUALITY ON FULL BOLTS 58" 60" WIDE From FAMOUS MILLI TODAY and SATURDAY Short Subjects 7:00 "Rage" 7:20 9:20 Friday, Feb. 23, 1973 Columbus, Nebraska The feiegrar? City Briefs Republican Platte County Republican Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at Mrs. Cora home. Patriotic program is planned.
Job's Daughters Bethel 39 will meet at 7:30 p.m. Monday at, Masonic Temple. Pawnee Club Meets at 8 p.m. Monday in the Equitable community room. Court actions The following, from Columbus unless noted, paid the following fines plus S8 court costs, unless noted: John R.
Bierbower. Aurora, speeding, $25; Joe Roh Tekamah, speeding, $15; Tom Nordeen, St. Edward, improper parking, Walter W. Blanc Wichita, over capacity plates, $12; Oliver A. Krohling, Stromsburg, overgross and over capacity plates, $129; Charles Nickolite.
speeding, $20; Harold Meays, no inspection 'Sticker. 10 Daniel Church, speeding, $10: Arlynn Runge, speeding, $10; Stanley Sedlacek, Leigh, no inspection sticker, $10; Alvin Godel, traffic light, violation. $10; Clark Babel, no inspection sticker, $10; Ray Syslo, Yutan. insufficient funds check, $10: Gregory' Schaefer, failure to appear, $5 and negligent driving, $25 plus Mary Dush, speeding, $15; Vicki Keller, improper parking. Francis Kamphans, negligent driving, $25; Joseph Bejvanseskv, negligent driving.
$25; Bill Marker, Monroe, improper parking, David Bargmann, speeding, $10; Joseph Starzec. no operator license, $15; Charles Ryba. intoxication, $15 Post Office has 1972 mini-albums of commemoratives Available at the Columbus Post Office is the 1972 Mini- Album, selling for $3 and including all the special commemorative stamps issued during that year. The album contains acetate strips for mounting the stamps and a brief description of each one. Many parents use the album as a gift for youngsters in starting a stamp collection.
Postmaster Jerome Wieser also noted that a few of the 1971 albums are also still available. It is anticipated that the U.S. Postal Service will continue to prepare such commemorative stamp albums annually SON BORN Panavision De Luxe Color SUNDAY thru WEDNESDAY Sunday Matinee 1:20 Evening 7:00 9:00 "Asylum' Starnog PETER CUSHING BRITT EKLAND HERBERT LOM PATRICK MAGEE BARRY MORSE BARBARA PARKINS ROBERT POWELL CHARLOTTE Ram SYLVIA SYMS RICHARD TODD JAMES VILUERS ICHNlCObOR 1 Hospital Unit Columbus Community Hospital Auxiliary will meet at 1:30 p.m. Monday at St. Mary Hospital.
Program will be on the SOS Hotline. Guests welcome. Cub Scout Sling shot contest, 1:30 p.m. Sunday at United Methodist Columbus. Christ Lutheran Parent- Teacher League will meet at 8 p.m.
Sunday with foreign exchange student, Pam Dalgliesh as guest speaker. All congregation members a invited. Accidents Police handled two non-injury accidents Wednesday and Thursday: At 23rd Avenue and 14th Street, drivers James A. Wurdeman, 2411 Mahood Drive, $225, and Ruth F. Volnee, 752 1 1 th Avenue, S85; At 13th Street and 25th Avenue, drivers Judith M.
Seeger, 4535 27th Street. $35, and Rudolph E. Siffring. 2153 22nd Avenue, $100. Humane Society Pets available are a part Siamese cat with a blue collar and bell, a female schnauzer with a whiite collar, a young Germ a shepherd and white spitz.
Correct Time The discipline film scheduled at Highland Park Free Church begins at 7 p.m. Saturday, not 8 p.m. as previously announced. Second showing is 7:30 p.m. Sunday.
AAL Branch 1773 will meet for a covered dish supper 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the Immanuel Lutheran Church. Bring a covered dish. Members and guests welcome. County Court Following, irom Columbus unless noted, paid these fines plus court costs: Victor Uphoff, school light, $10; Donald Williams ot Central City, inspection sticker, $10; Matthew Pollard, speeding.
$15; Thomas L. Martens, no headlights, $10; Randall R. Schaefer, U-tum, $10; Eddie Prososki, improper parking, $5. American Legion Auxiliary will host a card party p.rn Tuesday at the Legion Hall Postal Applications Columbus Postmaster Jerome Wieser announced today that applications are now being accepted, and no examination will be given to establish a register ot eligibles from which future substitute rural carrier of record vacancies in Columbus Post Office will be filed. Applications must be submitted before March 8 Further information can be obtained from Darold Mohrman.
Civil Service examiner at the Post Office. Noon Lions Jerome Kaup will present a slide program to to the Lions Club Monday noon at: Happy Chef. President W.O. Jacobsen is program chairman. ALBION Mr.
and Mrs. Guy Seheffler of Albion are parents of a six pound, eight ounce son, born Feb. 22 at the Boone County Hospital..