STAAR Redesign | Texas Education Agency (2024)

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) test is being redesigned to make the test more tightly aligned to the classroom experience.

Summative Tests Redesign Overview

The STAAR redesign is a result of House Bill (HB) 3906 passed by the 86thTexas Legislature in 2019. The Texas Education Agency (TEA), working with a wide range of education stakeholders, including the Assessment Education Advisory Committee, has been exploring the most instructionally supportive approach to implementing these changes. The redesign will be implemented in the state summative assessments administered in the 2022–2023 school year.

The STAAR redesign includes several components:

  • Online Testingand Accommodations
  • New Question Types
  • Cross-curricular Passages
  • Evidence-based Writing

For more information about how the STAAR redesign improves alignment to the classroom experience, hear what teachers are saying, reference the STAAR Redesign February 2022 Presentation (PDF, posted 3/7/22), or see below for more information about each component. For answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ), please reference the STAAR Redesign FAQ (PDF, updated 8/30/22).

Online Testing and Accommodations

STAAR Redesign | Texas Education Agency (1)

House Bill (HB) 3261, enacted by the 87th Texas Legislature in 2021, requires state assessments to be administered online by the 2022–2023 school year. Online administration allows students to receive accommodations like those they get in the classroom, provides faster test results, improves test operations, and allows new non-multiple-choice questions. This transition will require nearly all students to be assessed online, with the exceptions of students taking the STAAR Alternate 2 assessment and students who require accommodations that cannot be provided online.See what educators have to say about the robust accommodations available to students through online testing.

Resources to Support Online Testing and Accommodations:

New Question Types

STAAR Redesign | Texas Education Agency (2)

House Bill 3906 established a “multiple choice cap,” meaning that no more than 75% of points on a STAAR test can be based on multiple choice questions. Texas educators are helping design new question types that reflect classroom test questions and allow students more ways to show their understanding. All possible new question typesare being field-tested with students to ensure validity before they are incorporated into the redesigned summative tests beginning in spring 2023.

Resources to Support New Question Types

  • Full-length online practice test
  • STAAR Released Test Questions
  • New question types scoring and reporting guides
    • Math(PDF posted 8/15/22)
    • Reading Language Arts(PDF posted 08/19/22)
    • Science(PDF posted 1/27/22)
    • Social Studies(PDF posted 1/27/22)
    • Spanish Reading Language Arts(PDF posted 8/25/22)
  • RLA Writing Rubrics-English/Spanish
  • STAAR Scoring Guides (Samples)
    • RLA Grades 3-5 Constructed Response (PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • RLA Grades 3-5 Constructed Response-Spanish (PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • RLA Grades 6-8 Constructed Response (PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • English I and II Constructed Response (PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • Science Grade 5 Short Constructed Response-English/Spanish(PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • Science Grade 8 Short Constructed Response (PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • Biology Short Constructed Response (PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • Social Studies Grade 8 Short Constructed Response (PDF posted 10/7/22)
    • US History Short Constructed Response (PDF posted 10/7/22)
  • Updated test blueprints

Cross-curricular Passages

STAAR Redesign | Texas Education Agency (3)

There will be an increase in the number of cross-curricular informational passages that reference content aligned to the TEKS for other subject areas (e.g., social studies, science, mathematics, fine arts, etc.). While the cross-curricular passages on reading language arts (RLA) test will include topics from other subject areas, the questions will only assess RLA TEKS; students will not be scored on their understanding of TEKS for other subject areas.

Resources to Support New Question Types

  • Updated test blueprints

Evidence-based Writing

STAAR Redesign | Texas Education Agency (4)

Beginning with the 2022–2023 school year, RLA assessments will assess both reading and writing (grades 3–8 English, grades 3–5 Spanish, and English I and II End-of-Course) and will include new question types and an extended constructed response, or essay, at every grade level.

Based on research and educator feedback, the essay component will shift from a standalone prompt to writing in response to a reading selection. Students will write in one of three possible modes: informational, argumentative, or correspondence and will be scored using a 5-point rubric. The rubric will include two main components: idea development and language conventions.

Resources to Support Evidence-based Writing on all Tests

  • RLA assessed curriculum guidesand preliminary test blueprints

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STAAR Redesign | Texas Education Agency (2024)


What is STAAR redesign? ›

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) test is being redesigned to make the test more tightly aligned to the classroom experience.

Who designs the STAAR test? ›

Test development

The Texas Education Agency, Pearson Education (Texas' state assessment contractor), and Texas public school educators collaborate to create a STAAR assessment.

Is there a time limit for STAAR redesign? ›

There is no time limit for the STAAR test. However, no test session may exceed three to four hours.

Can I opt out of STAAR testing in Texas? ›

The Texas Education Agency is stressing to parents that there is no "opt out" option for students needing to take the STAAR test. TEXAS, USA — Students across Texas are in the midst of STAAR testing, and some families are electing to not have their student take the assessment.

How much does Texas pay for STAAR? ›

Aside from the mental and logistical strain that high-stakes testing has on teachers and students, the test costs the state hundreds of millions of dollars to conduct each year. In 2021, Texas signed four-year contracts totaling $388 million with two separate vendors to develop and administer the STAAR test.

What is test and redesign? ›

Test and redesign requires you to go out and test your final design with your users. Based on their feedback and their interaction with your solution, you will redesign your solution to make it better.

Why should we get rid of the STAAR test? ›

STAAR tests are disproportionately damaging to Black and Brown children from low socioeconomic backgrounds. In the past, STAAR test scores have been used to shut down schools in Black and Brown communities. Texas spent almost a billion dollars from 2010–2020 on STAAR testing alone.

Who is the CEO of STAAR test? ›

STAAR's Board of Directors has appointed ophthalmic industry executive Thomas “Tom” G. Frinzi, current Board Chair of STAAR, to serve as President and CEO, effective January 1, 2023.

Who is in charge of the STAAR test in Texas? ›

The Student Assessment Division is responsible for the development and administration of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS).

Can you fail the STAAR test and still graduate? ›

The state of Texas requires that students pass (or substitute criteria) 5 STAAR exams (3 in 9th, Eng II in 10th and US History in 11th) in order to graduate. A high school student can opt out of STAAR and still graduate if they qualify for a combination of substitute assessments, IGC and other options.

What grade is failing for STAAR? ›

STAAR tests are scored based on a scale that categorizes student performance into one of four categories: Masters Grade Level, Meets Grade Level, Approaches Grade Level and Did Not Meet Grade Level. Students need a minimum of 25% to 35% to pass the tests.

Is the star test mandatory in Texas? ›

All students enrolled in Texas public schools and open-enrollment charter schools in grades 3–8 and specific high school courses are required by both federal and state law to participate in STAAR.

Does STAAR affect GPA? ›

School districts are not allowed to use STAAR scores to calculate GPA, weighted average GPA or class rank. No college admissions committee asks you for a STAAR score like it would for the SAT or ACT. The National Merit Scholarship award is not made on STAAR performance but actually on a student's PSAT performance.

What happens if my child doesn't take the STAAR test? ›

How will opting out of testing affect my child's grades or academic standing? Currently, there are no state-mandated consequences for students who do not take the Smarter Balanced Assessments or other state-mandated tests.

Why does Texas still have STAAR test? ›

To ensure that students are on pace to graduate at this standard, the STAAR and EOC exams, the state academic standards (the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills or TEKS), have been aligned so that educators, students, and parents know if a student is making acceptable progress from grade to grade.

What is the STAAR Modified test? ›

STAAR Modified is an alternate assessment based on modified academic achievement standards for students receiving special education services who meet participation requirements. STAAR Modified has been designed to meet federal requirements mandated under the NCLB.

For which students was the STAAR alternate designed? ›

Remember that STAAR Alternate 2 is authorized under federal law for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. A student who is identified with only a speech impairment would not meet eligibility requirements as a student with a cognitive disability.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.