Welcome to our WoW DPS Rankings where we have every DPS class ranked by their damage performance in Shadowlands Raids. You can use this DPS Tier List when you need to choose the best DPS class to play in Patch 9.2.7, researching the current WoW meta or assembling your Castle Nathria Raid Group.
All of our data is based on the latest statistics from WarcraftLogs as well as the official Blizzard API. We parse thousands of Raid Logs from actual WoW players and update our Rankings on a daily basis.
Review of best Shadowlands DPS specs
Fury Warrior
Fury Warrior has medium damage on single-target for Patch 9.2.7 with a fast gameplay. The most important feature of Fury Warriors is their high-level multi-target performance in Shadowlands raids. Also, despite receiving massive nerfs, Necrolord is still good as a Covenant. Because Unity and Glory, which you can use as Runecarver power, will allow you to maximize your AoE damage. As a matter of fact, the rage is doubled with the Recklessness and Conqueror's Banner. Additionally, two of your allies close to you gain significant bonus movement speed and mastery. With all that in mind, Fury Warrior will be a valuable melee spec you'll want in your raid group for better raid composition.
- Fast switching between single-target and AoE
- Tier sets are strong in long fights
- Rallying Cry is one of the strongest defensive abilities
- If the tier set is not collected, the single target damage will be low
- No passive rage generation
- Little survivability
Arms Warrior
Arms Warrior has short-time burst damage and a slow gameplay in Shadowlands. Thanks to resource management, you can deal instant damage with Colossus Smash if you use rage at the right time. Additionally, Sweeping Strikes is quite powerful for combat with 2 targets. Rallying Cry of Arms Warrior can be very useful in Mythic Raids. For example, some bosses will require using Rallying Cry twice. Overall, this spec deserves its spot in current 9.2.7 DPS Rankings.
- Stacking cooldowns can deal good multi-target burst damage
- Targets below 35% health can be primarily dealt high damage during the Execute phase
- Personal defensive abilities are quite strong
- Multi and single target damage is insufficient except for cooldowns
- Shaman's Windfury Totem is needed to achieve maximum damage
- Arms Warriors are highly downtime sensitive due to their lack of ranged capability and lack of passive resources
Fire Mage
Fire Mage can deal incredibly high AoE damage as well as strong single target DPS thanks to its versatility in Shadowlands raids. High movement speed and powerful execute damage bring Fire Mages back into the scene in Patch 9.2.7.
Mastery: Combined with Ignite, Flamestrike, and Flame Patch, you get an excellent 1-minute burst damage chance.
Overall, Fire Mage is a hard-to-kill and highly mobile spec. If you apply the rotation properly in terms of area damage, you can be the wanted person in raids.
- Continuous AoE damage with Flamestrike and Flame Patch
- The Shimmer and After Time greatly increase mobility
- Straightforward rotation
- Has no passive damage reduction and no self-healing ability
- Damage is greatly reduced if targets are split
- Not enough damage when outside the burst window and when switching targets
Enhancement Shaman
Enhancement Shaman is a melee spec where you have to constantly deal damage and control by combining many different abilities. Especially when it comes to single-target, Enhancement Shaman can deal extremely high damage, especially with better gear. You have to be careful if you are looking for perfection because there are so many abilities to use. The focus of ES is using enhanced instant versions of abilities like Stormstrike, Lava Lash, and Maelstrom Weapon. In addition, with the Windfury Totem, your raid members can also have an essential buff.
- Valuable utility kit
- Windfury Totem provides powerful extra buffs to melee combat
- Persistent and powerful damage to a single target
- Little flexibility in single-target and AoE damage due to a variety of abilities
- Insufficient survival abilities
- Unstable damage dynamics due to RNG
Demonology Warlock
Demonology Warlock has a 1-minute burst damage window for single targets in Shadowlands. If you're looking for best DPS class that must have high damage and healing power, then it's impossible not to see the power of Demonology Warlock in World of Warcraft. DW self-heals and survives.
Demonology Warlock will not give the effect you might expect when it comes to AoE damage. However, if Rallying Cry is present, short-term high damage is possible.
- High survivability and stamina as well as ability for self-healing
- Demonic Gateway provides extra mobility in raids
- A defensive DPS with pet tanking and healing
- Average DPS except for cooldowns
- No damage abilities while moving
- Weak defensive abilities
Balance Druid
Balance Druid is one of the most AoE-powered specs in Shadowlands. Thanks to Starfall, even spread out enemy groups take damage. Especially when the Balance Druid's power is combined with the Venthyr Covenant, it creates one of the most potent rotations in the game. In short, the most crucial point for Balance Druid is how and when Astral Power is used. Summing up, you should definitely consider this spec when looking for Shadowlands best DPS.
- Celestial Alignment provides incredibly high damage on single-targets
- Starfall, Moonfire, Sunfire, and Starfire rotation deal large amounts of damage to multi-targets over a long period of time
- Innervate is useful for people in your group
- Damage output decreases when applying Eclipse rotation
- Limited mobility
- Requires a certain amount of time to reach the maximum damage level
Destruction Warlock
Destruction Warlock is one of the best ranged DPS specs for AoE damage in Shadowlands. Moreover, its single-target performance is not bad at all considering the current class balance of the game. DW has serious DPS performance, especially if the tier set and Legendary combination are used in a meta-appropriate way. Destruction Warlock is currently very popular in regards to AoE damage, although it's not so good for single-targets as Demonology. Overall, this spec has a history of being one of Shadowlands best DPS for Raids. Bonus points for Warlock often ranking as best class in WoW.
- Moderate and sustained single target damage
- Demonic Gateway, Create Soulwell, Soulstone, and Ritual of Summoning provide valuable utility in raids
- It can burst damage to 2 targets using Havoc
- The abilities that can be used on the move are limited
- No immune spells
- The highest damage ability (Summon Infernal) has a long cooldown
Shadow Priest
Shadow Priest can deal incredibly serious damage when it comes to single-target. In general, when we look at the history of Shadow Priest, there is no superior damage output. However, it is on the stage once again with 9.2.7. Another detail is that SP does not have the benefit and defence abilities found in other classes. This shortcoming is compensated by dealing decent damage with abilities like Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague.
- Large amounts of damage to a single target
- Shadow Word: Death gives DPS boost during the execute phase
- Sufficient AoE damage if position and range are well adjusted
- Low mobility
- While Dispersion helps to reduce incoming damage, it doesn't fully immunize
- SP can focus on a single mission in raids
Havoc Demon Hunter
Havoc Demon Hunters deserve a spot in raids for the 5% extra magic damage buff they provide. Havoc DH is a fun DPS spec that has its mechanic based around generating and spending their Fury resource. Fury collected using Demon's Bite can be used with Eye Beam to deal burst AoE damage. This naturally means high damage for 2-5 targets. Likewise, Metamorphosis provides a second burst damage window.
- Easy rotation for new players
- Strong durability and mobility
- High AoE damage when dealing with 2-5 targets
- Burst damage is limited due to long cooldowns
- Long cooldowns to deal AoE damage
- Low damage scale on single targets
Survival Hunter
Survival Hunter is a spec that can create great rotations with its melee abilities and handcrafted explosives. While it has serious damage output, especially against single targets, it also provides the strongest AoE/cleave in the game and makes our list of strongest DPS specs in Shadowlands. However, it still should be noted that it is one of the most vulnerable classes.
- High damage output when using proper rotation against single-targets
- Has immunity spells
- Powerful AoE with Tier set bonuses
- Highly dependent on pet mechanics to deal damage
- Low burst potential for single-target damage
- Low DPS during downtime window
Frost Mage
Frost Mage is a vital spec that can deal solid single target damage. There are two essential details in which FM is clearly superior. Firstly, the funnel damage. And secondly a stacking cleave damage up to 2 or 3 targets. Another point is that Frost Mage is limited in when it needs to deal burst DPS. However, Icy Veins is still an essential ability that allows them to score higher in DPS Rankings. Generally, Frost Mage mechanics are based around casting Frostbolt to gain Brain Freeze and Fingers of Frost triggers. Overall, this spec has a smooth damage performance in Shadowlands, and Frost Mage is quite useful in some raids, which justifies its position in our Shadowlands 9.2.7 DPS Rankings.
- Ice Block, Ice Barrier and Alter Time increase survivability
- Sufficient single-target, cleave and high AoE damage
- High mobility when dealing damage
- Mediocre damage potential when moving
- Has no passive to reduce damage
- Icy Veins inflicts very little burst damage compared to other specs
Assassination Rogue
Like Subtlety Rogue, Assassination is one of the most powerful melee specs for single-target DPS. AR uses energy when attacking targets. Combo points are generated after these attacks and all mechanics are reserved in the combos produced for these points. Additionally, Assassination Rogues have incredible movement speed and immunity. For example, Cloak of Shadows and Feint protect them from severe damage.
- The cooldowns for abilities you use are quite short
- Incredible melee damage for single-target through bleeds and poisons
- The slow and straightforward gameplay
- There is no extra contribution to the composition of the group in a Mythic Raid
- Mediocre AoE damage
- Burst damage only applies to single-targets
Unholy Death Knight
Unholy Death Knight are not so strong as they used to be in Shadowlands. They deal high burst AoE damage. The biggest effect of Unholy DKs is the burst damage they apply with Army of the Dead and Bloodlust. But a 5 minute wait time is the downside. However, when we consider DoTs, pets and ranged attacks, we can say that it is one of the most durable melee specs. Finally, the sustained and strong execute damage to single-targets shows that it's still a good choice in raids.
- Soul Reaper is the most powerful execute ability in the game
- A very powerful AoE burst windows capability
- Damage reduction utility with Anti-Magic Zone
- AoE takes a long time
- Mobility is not high enough
- Difficulties with target switching, single-target damage takes a long time to ramp up
Frost Death Knight
The main focus of Frost Death Knight comes from AoE and cleave, plus Breath of Sindragosa. However, Frost Death Knight can be a bit lacking in single-targets. First of all, Frost DKs have 2 sources to use. The first of these is Runes, and the second is Runic Power. It will start recharging after using a rune. However, by spending your resources, you can inflict direct damage with Obliterate, Howling Blast, and Frost strike. Also, the Killing Machine, which allows you to hit critically, is essential. The variety will immediately catch your eye when you want to play Frost Death Knight in Shadowlands. If you're used to fast-paced combat and you are researching best DPS specs, Frost Death Knight can be as a solid choice for you.
- High burst damage
- Extremely easy to play, you have the opportunity to setup AoE without sacrificing single-target damage
- Extremely survivable
- Mediocre mobility
- No extra buffs are added to group composition in Mythic+
- When using Breath of Sindragosa, the damage is reduced when out of the melee range
Marksmanship Hunter
Marksmanship Hunter is a great spec that uses ranged weapons and can deal damage from longer ranges than other classes. Like all Hunters, Marksmanship uses Focus as their resource. If you don't like to manage pets, you still have the opportunity to do damage thanks to the Lone Wolf. MH offers a superior AoE burst against 3-5 targets. In addition, the shorter cooldowns increase the effect of AoE damage. On the negative side, Marksmanship has a pretty bad performance when it comes to single-target DPS.
- Can reposition frequently with high mobility
- Continuous cleave and AoE burst damage with Double Tap and Volley
- Straightforward rotation
- Low survivability – it's one of the most fragile specs in the game
- No burst damage potential in terms of AoE
- No raid utility except Aspect of the Turtle and Misdirection
Feral Druid
Feral Druids have good arsenal for single-target DPS in the competitive raid environment. They also have strong defensive cooldowns. However, Feral falls short slightly when compared to other melee specs in terms of damage performance. Also, they provide no raid buffs. Overall, FD has classic and easy rotation. Regarding utility in Mythic Raids – Ferals, like all Druids, contribute with their Stampeding Roar.
- High single-target damage
- Can adapt for specific encounters thanks to the flexible talent tree
- Extremely versatile and mobile in raids
- Not enough burst in terms of AoE
- Requires more effort to deal high damage to targets
- Feral rotation is based on precise use of resources and abilities, which makes it more difficult to focus on Raid mechanics
Arcane Mage
Mage has always been one of the best DPS classes in WoW as well as the most popular DPS class in the game. Arcane Mage stands out in terms of mobility, survivability and usefulness. In terms of class mechanics, Arcane has always been capable of dealing burst damage against a single target. However, it should be noted that Arcane Power has a cooldown of 2 minutes. As a result, the more rotationally you use Arcane Charges in Arcane Mage mechanics, the more damage you inflict. If you pay attention to increased damage balance and save mana, you can reach any level you want in Shadowlands.
- High burst damage with Arcane Power, Touch of the Magi, and Rune of Power
- Single-target damage can increase significantly depending on the number of targets
- Time Warp, Spellsteal, Polymorph, and Remove Curse provide useful buffs for your allies
- No self-healing abilities
- Melee range positioning is required to utilize Arcane Explosion for AoE situations
- All damage is based on mana control
Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery Hunter can deal good damage in single-target combat. However, it is one of the most vulnerable DPS classes in terms of defensive abilities. The real strength of BMH comes from their mobility - it is one of the best-ranged specs thanks to being able to DPS while moving and definitely deserves it's place in our Shadowlands DPS Tier List. Additionally, depending on your Covenant selections, you can have burst AoE damage. For example, if you go with Night Fae - Wild Spirit buff and Legendary items combinations make it a very solid choice.
- Incredibly high mobility
- It is easy to play and can deal fairly solid damage against single targets
- Aspect of the Turtle provides immunity utility
- Doesn't have the ability to deal damage on stacked targets
- Pet artificial intelligence is not very good - therefore you try to play the game depending on the pet mechanics
- Vulnerable in prolonged battles
Retribution Paladin
Execution Sentence, Final Reckoning, and Final Verdict rotation are used by Retribution Paladins initially to deal single-target damage before switching to AoE. If this rotation is done correctly, Retribution Paladin can have the best burst damage in WoW. In addition, in some cases, vital interventions can be made in raids using Blessing of Protection. As a result, the Retribution Paladin is a powerful enough spec to deal devastating damage with its many abilities and a good contender for WoW's Top DPS in PvE.
- High burst damage to both single-target and AoE targets
- They have Divine Shield which the strongest damage immunity effect in the game
- Powerful buffs that protect the team at certain moments in raids
- Long cooldowns of abilities reduces their DPS
- No mobility except Divine Steed
- Very little damage reduction ability other than defensive immunity
Subtlety Rogue
Subtlety Rogues, like all other Rogues, specialize in single-target combat. In order to do the rotation, you need to use your energy and combo points sparingly. But simply, all Subtlety mechanics are done with Symbols of Death and Shadow Dance. Thanks to its short cooldowns, it provides a fast-paced gaming experience using stealth-requiring abilities and earns itself a decent position in our Shadowlands DPS charts.
- Shuriken Storm is the best damage ability against single-targets, giving combo points for each enemy hit
- With high mobility, there is a big chance of being in the right place at the right time during the encounter
- Very short cooldowns
- Except for their burst window, all damage output is mediocre
- Their AoE hit area is quite limited
- No extra utility for the raid group
Outlaw Rogue
Outlaw Rogue is an incredibly fast-paced spec where you have to use multiple abilities for on-hit damage. Even though Outlaw Rogue can fall behind average in terms of single-target damage when compared to other Rogue specs, it still can be considered current meta in WoW and has it's place in our Shadowlands DPS chart. However, it's still a decent choice thanks to Blade Flurry. Because with Blade Flurry, high AoE damage can be done to up to 5 targets while doing the single target rotation.
- Substantial AoE damage is possible with Blade Flurry against 4-5 targets
- The reduction of cooldowns with Restless Blades improves the mechanics of their rotation
- High survivability
- All damage except burst is quite low
- Planning rotations relying on the reduction of cooldowns can sometimes be difficult
- If your targets are not attacked, the damage will be greatly reduced since there are no DoTs applied
Affliction Warlock
Affliction Warlock has Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction that can deal damage to enemies over time. Rotation mechanics, in general, revolve around these abilities. Also, Warlock in general is considered one of the top DPS classes in the game. AW is one of the most consistent damage classes in the game, although it loses power over time. While it is extremely strong on single targets, it has a moderate advantage on AoE targets. In addition, there is an outstanding execution ability with Drain Soul.
- While they deal enough damage to single targets, they can also deal additional damage to AoE targets as well
- Stable damage output to multiple targets
- Good survivability
- Their DPS except the burst is mediocre
- Some setup is required to deal the damage
- Affliction will not be able to ramp up their damage if their target dies too soon
Elemental Shaman
Elemental Shaman often comes up as one of the highest DPS classes in the game. It's quite mobile and fun to play in Shadowlands Raids. Elemental Shaman also has potential for serious burst DPS when it comes to AoE and Cleave situations. Additionally, Shaman as a class has incredibly utility that they bring to their Raid group.
- Flexible and versatile talent tree
- Good mobility
- Solid DPS in WoW Raids
- Survivability could be better
- Their rotation and game mechanics can sometimes feel awkward
- Can depend on better gear to perform well
Windwalker Monk
Windwalker Monk is currently one of the game's best AoE and cleave classes. In addition, it has AoE abilities that include strong durability, mobility and high burst damage that allow them to top DPS meters in WoW. Windwalker's gameplay mechanics are directly related to your Energy and Chi usage. You use resources stored with Tiger Palm and Fists of Fury. Defensive abilities such as Touch of Karma and Fortifying Brew provide durability. Considering all this, Windwalker Monk is a good choice on our Shadowlands DPS Tier List.
- Very high mobility
- High chance of survival with their defensive abilities
- Strong burst, AoE and cleave damage
- Almost no immunity
- Since it is a melee class, you need to be more careful about bosses in raids
- Very low damage on single-targets