Animation Throwdown Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide to Build a Perfect Deck & Win Everything - Touch, Tap, Play (2024)

Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards is a brand new game released by Kongregate on the App Store, one that mixes together characters from top animation shows like Family Guy, Futurama and so on and sees them fight against each other for supremacy. It’s a pretty straightforward CCG that even more casual players will be able to appreciate, but it still has enough depth to keep everybody entertained. And I am here to help you get better at the game by sharing some Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards cheats and tips.

These tips will probably be more useful to beginner players than advanced ones, but everybody should read this strategy guide: maybe you’ll improve your game this way. Now without any further ado, let’s check out below TTP’s Animation Throwdown cheats and tips!

Buy packs as soon as you have the money
I haven’t seen any other use for the money you earn when playing and completing quest except for purchasing card packs, so that’s what you should be doing with your money. However, I suggest saving 5,000 coins and choosing the “Buy all” option from the Card Packs menu. You will buy 5 cards instead of one and in my case it seems that the chances of getting rare cards increase. It’s not guaranteed, but it doesn’t hurt to try either!

Be smart about upgrading your cards
You can upgrade all cards in your deck from the deck menu (just tap the card and hit the Upgrade button), but you shouldn’t hurry to do so. Start by upgrading just that rare cards that you have early on (and you won’t have a ton of them) and maybe one other favorite card (I personally consider Fry a good early common card to upgrade). Then hold onto your power for when you have unlocked more cards and you know what you’re doing: there’s no point in upgrading cards that you won’t use anyway! So be patient a little bit and play your upgrades smartly!

Always research combos
As you probably know already, there are a ton of possible combinations that you can play in the game, but in order to do so, you will have to research them. You can research two combos at any time and you should make sure you do it at all times. Again, start by researching all possible combinations between rare cards (because these yield better results), and only if you have time focus on the common card combos as well. We’ll make sure to soon write an article about the best card combos in the game so you can research those if you’re lucky enough to have the cards.

And since we’re at the “combos” chapter, it’s extremely important to try to remember the best combos or at least spend time to check them all out before playing them in a game. Most combos give your cards special effect, like armor, counterattack and so on. Therefore, playing them in the right position can change the course of the game: it makes no sense to play armor on your fourth card if the opponent has just two and will never get to attack that card. So make sure that you always know what you’re doing before playing a combo because these are extremely powerful cards!

Replay battles in adventure mode
Each chapter has three stages and you can play each stage three times before getting the maximum number of stars. Each time you win a stage in a chapter, you unlock extra cards that you can be rewarded for winning that stage. It’s extremely important to play those stages over and over again and bag the wins in order to increase your chances of getting those rare and legendary cards in Animation Throwdown.

To increase your chances of winning great rewards even more, tap the old TV set icon and watch an ad: you have higher chances at scoring better loot this way!

How to build the perfect deck
Building a perfect deck in Animation Throwdown seems easier than in other similar games and also a lot more fun. However, there are a ton of cards and even more combos that you can research, so the deck that I have might be impossible for you to reproduce. However, there are a few key factors to consider when building the perfect deck:

– try to keep your best cards in the deck at all times and use them at the right moment in order to win your games
– upgraded cards are better than regular ones, so if you have cards you are 100% you will always have in your deck, max them out to improve their stats
– try to bring in as many cards that you can use to create combos because those super cards will win you the matches. Even more, focus on researching combos with cards that are already in your deck and not in your inventory only
– try to find the perfect balance between bringing in cards with high attack and cards with high health. You need both in order to succeed!
– if you’re having big problems defeating a particular deck, study it and see if you can replicate it.

How to win all your games
Having a perfect deck is not everything if you don’t have at least a bit of strategy. Luck definitely plays a factor in the game, but you can usually turn every game in your favor since the AI doesn’t seem that bright. Here is how to keep winning in Animation Throwdown: The Quest for Cards:

My strategy is to always start with a card with high health (preferably high damage as well). It’s vital to always have just as many cards as the opponent does, if not more. Next round I will always play a new card and not a combo in order to increase the numbers, then most likely in the third round play a combo on my first card to improve its stats and keep it alive. Afterwards, it’s all about filling the board and playing combos to take out the cards of your opponent and deal damage to the hero.

Always pay attention to the combos you have played and those played by your opponent. Try to plan ahead what cards you’re going to play, where you will place them and what combos will follow next. Placing a card with armor or counterattack as your first card is a great idea, just as it is a good idea to have a healer as soon as possible. In the end, it’s all about being the one who keeps their cards alive for longer than the opponent: as soon as you have the card advantage, you are ready to win. And always remember that you strike first, so there are many occasions in which you can take out an opponent’s card without it dealing any damage.

These would be, for now, our tips and tricks for fellow Animation Throwdown players. Do you have extra strategies to share with us? Let us know by commenting below and make sure to check back soon for more advanced guides for this great game.

Animation Throwdown Cheats: Tips & Strategy Guide to Build a Perfect Deck & Win Everything - Touch, Tap, Play (2024)
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