290 Adjectives That Start With N - English Study Online (2024)

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Adjectives That Start With N! Here is the list of adjectives starting with letter N. You should learn these common adjectives to improve and increase your vocabulary words in English.

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Adjectives That Start With N

290 Adjectives That Start With N - English Study Online (1)

Positive Adjectives that Start with N

AdjectivesExample Sentences
NobleHe was a noble and just king.
NiceShe has a nice smile that lights up the room.
NeatThe house was kept neat and tidy.
NurturingShe had a nurturing personality and always helped others.
NiftyThat was a nifty trick you did with the cards.
NonpareilHe was a nonpareil musician and had no equal.
NaturalShe had a natural talent for singing.
NirvanicThe sunset was a nirvanic experience.
NourishingThe soup was nourishing and delicious.
NuancedThe book had a nuanced portrayal of the characters.
NimbleThe cat was nimble and quick on its feet.
NocturnalOwls are nocturnal birds.
NonchalantHe was nonchalant about his success.
NoteworthyHis achievements were noteworthy and impressive.
NonviolentThey were advocates for nonviolent protests.
NutritiousThe salad was nutritious and packed with vitamins.
NewfangledHe wasn’t a fan of all these newfangled gadgets.
Nice-lookingShe was a nice-looking woman with a kind heart.
NeotericThe art exhibit showcased neoteric and innovative works.
Noble-mindedHe was a noble-minded person with a strong moral code.
Noble-heartedShe had a noble-hearted spirit and helped those in need.
Noble-spiritedThe team showed a noble-spirited effort to win the game.
NuminousThe church had a numinous atmosphere that was serene.
NattyHe always dressed in a natty and stylish manner.
NeighborlyThe neighbor was always kind and neighborly.
NoblestHe was one of the noblest men she had ever met.
NationalisticThe rally had a strong nationalistic theme.
NotableThe actress had a notable performance in the play.
Non-judgmentalThe therapist was non-judgmental and empathetic.
NoeticThe scientist had a noetic approach to problem-solving.
Non-partisanThe organization was non-partisan and didn’t take sides.
NowThe time to act is now, not tomorrow.
Nimble-fingeredThe musician was nimble-fingered on the piano.
Never-failingHer never-failing optimism was contagious.
NicestShe was one of the nicest people you could meet.
NeatlyShe arranged the flowers neatly in a vase.
Nip and tuckThe race was nip and tuck until the very end.
Natty-dressedHe arrived at the party natty-dressed and well-groomed.
NoblewomanThe noblewoman was known for her generosity and kindness.
NormalThe test results came back normal, which was a relief.
NostalgicThe song had a nostalgic feel and brought back memories.
Natty-lookingThe car was natty-looking with its sleek design.
NoticeableThe painting was noticeable and stood out from the rest.
No-nonsenseThe coach had a no-nonsense approach to training.
NondescriptThe building was nondescript and unremarkable.
Related Adjectives of Attitude: List of 100 Popular Adjectives about Attitude

Negative Adjectives that Start with N

Negative AdjectiveExample Sentences
NastyA nasty cut on his arm.
NervousShe was nervous about giving a presentation.
NegativeHis negative attitude was affecting the team.
NaughtyThe dog was being naughty and chewing on the furniture.
NauseousShe felt nauseous after eating the spoiled food.
NeedyHe was constantly seeking attention and affection, making him seem needy.
NeglectedThe neglected garden was overgrown with weeds.
NeuroticHis neurotic behavior made it difficult for others to be around him.
NeedlessThe meeting was filled with needless chatter.
NigglingThe niggling pain in his knee made it difficult to walk.
NonchalantHe was nonchalant about the results of the exam.
NoncommittalShe was noncommittal about whether or not she would attend the party.
NonconformistHis nonconformist views were not accepted by the mainstream.
NonplussedShe was nonplussed by the unexpected news.
NonsensicalHis argument was nonsensical and didn’t make any sense.
NostalgicThe old photo album made her feel nostalgic for her childhood.
NotoriousThe neighborhood was notorious for its high crime rates.
NoxiousThe fumes from the chemicals were noxious and made people sick.
NumbHis fingers were numb from the cold.
NumbingThe numbing effect of the medication made her feel drowsy.
NuisanceThe barking dog was a nuisance to the neighbors.
NuttyHis behavior was so erratic that people thought he was nutty.

Adjectives that Start with N to Describe a Person

NiceShe is always so nice to everyone.
NobleHe has a noble heart and always tries to help others.
NurturingShe is a very nurturing mother who takes great care of her children.
NeatHe always keeps his desk neat and organized.
NonchalantShe was nonchalant about the whole thing, as if it didn’t bother her at all.
NiftyHe came up with a nifty solution to the problem.
NervyShe showed a nervy determination to succeed against all odds.
NotableShe has made many notable contributions to the field of science.
NaturalShe is a natural athlete, with a talent for many sports.
NutritiousShe always prepares nutritious meals for her family.
NaughtyHe is always getting into some sort of naughty mischief.
NimbleShe is a nimble dancer, able to move gracefully and quickly.
Noble-mindedHe is a noble-minded person who always stands up for what is right.
NostalgicShe feels a nostalgic longing for the days of her youth.
NonjudgmentalShe is a nonjudgmental listener who always listens with an open mind.
NegligentHe was negligent in his duties and caused the accident.
Narrow-mindedHe was too narrow-minded to consider any other options.
NegativeShe has a negative attitude that brings everyone down.
NonviolentHe is a nonviolent protester who believes in peaceful demonstrations.
NonconformistShe is a nonconformist who doesn’t follow the crowd.
Related 240 Food Adjectives – Adjectives to Describe Food in English

Descriptive Adjectives that Start with N

NastyThe spoiled milk had a nasty smell.
NarrowThe narrow path led to a beautiful waterfall.
NationalThe national flag was proudly displayed on Independence Day.
NativeThe native tribe has a unique way of living.
NaturalThe natural beauty of the park left me speechless.
NaughtThe naughty child drew on the walls with a marker.
NauticalThe nautical-themed party had anchors and boats as decorations.
NauseousThe nauseous smell made me want to vomit.
NavalThe naval officer saluted as he boarded the ship.
NeatThe neat and tidy room was a pleasure to be in.
NecessaryIt is necessary to wear a seatbelt while driving.
NegativeThe negative comments hurt her feelings.
NeglectedThe neglected garden was overgrown with weeds.
NeighborlyThe neighborly gesture of bringing over a casserole was appreciated.
NervousThe nervous speaker stumbled over his words during the presentation.
NewThe new car had a fresh paint job and smelled of leather.
NiceThe nice weather made for a perfect day at the beach.
NimbleThe nimble cat jumped from the table to the couch with ease.
NobleThe noble act of donating money to charity was inspiring.
NoisyThe noisy construction work made it hard to concentrate.
NonchalantThe nonchalant attitude of the teenager annoyed his parents.
NoncommittalHis noncommittal answer left me wondering what he really thought.
NonconformistThe nonconformist artist created unique and controversial pieces.
NonstopThe nonstop flight was long but convenient.
NormalThe normal temperature for this time of year is around 75 degrees.
NosyThe nosy neighbor peeked over the fence to see what was going on.
NotableThe notable achievement earned her a medal.
NourishingThe nourishing soup was made with fresh vegetables and herbs.
NovelThe novel approach to solving the problem was successful.
NuclearThe nuclear power plant had strict safety measures in place.
NudeThe nude painting hung in the museum’s art gallery.
NumbMy fingers were numb from the cold winter air.
NutritiousThe nutritious smoothie was packed with vitamins and protein.

Adjectives That Start With N

Here is the list of adjectives starting with N that is a starting point for building up vocabulary to converse fluently in English.

  • Nacreous
  • Naif
  • Naive
  • Naked
  • Nameless
  • Namibian
  • Naming
  • Narcotic
  • Narial
  • Narrative
  • Narrow
  • Nasty
  • National
  • Nationalist
  • Native
  • Nativist
  • Nativistic
  • Natty
  • Naturalized
  • Naturistic
  • Naughty
  • Nauseous
  • Nautical
  • Naval
  • Navicular
  • Navigable
  • Navigational
  • Nearby
  • Neat
  • Nebular
  • Nebulous
  • Necessary
  • Necked
  • Neckless
  • Necklike
  • Necrotic
  • Nectarous
  • Needed
  • Needful
  • Needless
  • Needy
  • Nefarious
  • Negative
  • Neglected
  • Neglectful
  • Negligent
  • Negro
  • Neither
  • Neoclassic
  • Neoliberal
  • Neonatal
  • Neotenic
  • Neotenous
  • Nepali
  • Nerveless
  • Nervous
  • Nescient
  • Nestled
  • Nestorian
  • Nethermost
  • Netlike
  • Neural
  • Neuralgic
  • Neurogenic
  • Neuroglial
  • Neuronal
  • Neuronic
  • Neurotic
  • Neurotoxic
  • Neuter
  • Neutered
  • Neutral
  • Neutralized
  • New
  • Newborn
  • Newfound
  • Newsless
  • Newsworthy
  • Newsy
  • Nice
  • Nifty
  • Nighted
  • Nightlong
  • Nightly
  • Nilotic
  • Nimble
  • Nipping
  • Nipponese
  • Nippy
  • Nitid
  • Nitric
  • Nitrous
  • Nitwitted
  • Noachian
  • Noble
  • Nocent
  • Nocturnal
  • Nodding
  • Nodular
  • Nodulated
  • Nodulose
  • Noetic
  • Noiseless
  • Noisome
  • Noisy
  • Nomadic
  • Nominal
  • Nominative
  • Nonaddictive
  • Nonadhesive
  • Nonadjacent
  • Nonalcoholic
  • Nonaligned
  • Nonarbitrary
  • Nonarboreal
  • Nonassertive
  • Nonbearing
  • Noncaloric
  • Noncausal
  • Noncellular
  • Noncivilized
  • Nonclassical
  • Nonconductive
  • Nonconscious
  • Noncritical
  • Noncrucial
  • Noncurrent
  • Noncyclic
  • Noncyclical
  • Nondescript
  • Nonechoic
  • Nonelected
  • Nonelective
  • Nonessential
  • Nonexempt
  • Nonexistent
  • Nonexplosive
  • Nonextant
  • Nonfat
  • Nonfatal
  • Nonfictional
  • Nonfinite
  • Nonfissile
  • Nonflavored
  • Nonflowering
  • Nonfunctional
  • Nonglutinous
  • Nonhuman
  • Nonimitative
  • Nonindustrial
  • Noninvasive
  • Nonionic
  • Nonionized
  • Nonlegal
  • Nonlethal
  • Nonlexical
  • Nonlinear
  • Nonlinguistic
  • Nonliteral
  • Nonliterary
  • Nonliterate
  • Nonmaterial
  • Nonmetal
  • Nonmetallic
  • Nonmilitary
  • Nonmodern
  • Nonmotile
  • Nonmoving
  • Nonmusical
  • Nonnative
  • Nonnatural
  • Nonnegative
  • Nonobservant
  • Nonopening
  • Nonparallel
  • Nonparasitic
  • Nonpareil
  • Nonperiodic
  • Nonpersonal
  • Nonphysical
  • Nonpoisonous
  • Nonpolar
  • Nonpolitical
  • Nonporous
  • Nonpregnant
  • Nonprescription
  • Nonproductive
  • Nonprofit
  • Nonpublic
  • Nonracial
  • Nonracist
  • Nonrandom
  • Nonrational
  • Nonreciprocal
  • Nonreflective
  • Nonrepetitive
  • Nonresident
  • Nonresilient
  • Nonresinous
  • Nonresiny
  • Nonresistant
  • Nonresonant
  • Nonrestrictive
  • Nonrhythmic
  • Nonrigid
  • Nonruminant
  • Nonsense
  • Nonsensical
  • Nonsensitive
  • Nonsexual
  • Nonsignificant
  • Nonskid
  • Nonslippery
  • Nonsocial
  • Nonsovereign
  • Nonspatial
  • Nonspeaking
  • Nonspecific
  • Nonspherical
  • Nonstandard
  • Nonstick
  • Nonstop
  • Nonsubjective
  • Nonsurgical
  • Nonsweet
  • Nonsyllabic
  • Nonsynthetic
  • Nontaxable
  • Nontechnical
  • Nonthermal
  • Nontoxic
  • Nontraditional
  • Nonuniform
  • Nonunion
  • Nonuple
  • Nonverbal
  • Nonviable
  • Nonviolent
  • Nonvisual
  • Nonvolatile
  • Nordic
  • Normal
  • Norman
  • Normative
  • Northbound
  • Northeast
  • Northeastern
  • Northern
  • Northmost
  • Northward
  • Northwest
  • Northwestern
  • Nosed
  • Nostalgic
  • Nosy
  • Notable
  • Notched
  • Noted
  • Noteworthy
  • Noticeable
  • Noticed
  • Notifiable
  • Notional
  • Notorious
  • Nourished
  • Novel
  • Noxious
  • Nubby
  • Nubile
  • Nucleated
  • Nude
  • Nugatory
  • Null
  • Numb
  • Numberless
  • Numbing
  • Numerable
  • Numeral
  • Numerate
  • Numeric
  • Numerical
  • Numerous
  • Numidian
  • Numinous
  • Nuptial
  • Nursed
  • Nurtural
  • Nutrient
  • Nutritionary
  • Nutritious
Related Possessive Adjectives | Definition and Usage | Useful Examples

Adjectives Starting with N | Infographic

290 Adjectives That Start With N - English Study Online (2)

290 Adjectives That Start With N - English Study Online (3)

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Tuesday 31st of May 2022

Need more positive adjectives to describe a person


Thursday 5th of May 2022

its ok nothing i could use tho

Flo Eng

Monday 19th of April 2021

Wow! Great list for adjectives that start with n!

290 Adjectives That Start With N - English Study Online (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.